Exit to Hard Drive Type - client setting instead of global setting
I second this
Bump… still wanting this feature. We had a very large shipment of Dell Optiplex 9020s come in (around 800) and they don’t work with sanboot style… so we cannot configure them to boot to the network first because we can’t individually assign them what works for them.
Are you 100% sure they don’t work with Sanboot? What’s the SATA controller set to?
The options are:
- Disabled
And they are all set from factory to RAID On.
We can’t get them to network boot with any .efi file, and we are currently using undionly.kkpxe with the Dells set in Legacy mode.
AHCI properly exits to the HDD with sanboot style.
@Wayne-Workman Can you change them from Raid to AHCI/IDE?
@Tom-Elliott I am starting to wish that FOG could set a computer’s firmware options for you…
Windows fails to boot after I change it to AHCI… and we already have our image built for these.
https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/922976#/en-gb/kb/922976 - quick fix to tackle switching to AHCI easily, might be worth setting image for AHCI?
also regarding setting Dell BIOS options via script/automatically
Hope this helps
@Lee-Rowlett said:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/922976#/en-gb/kb/922976 - quick fix to tackle switching to AHCI easily, might be worth setting image for AHCI?
also regarding setting Dell BIOS options via script/automatically
Hope this helps
I just read all of this and the links.
I will attempt this perhaps on Wednesday if all goes to plan. Monday I’m installing FOG at two of our sites and Tuesday I’m going to help with FOG at another site.I’ve somehow become my org’s fog expert now ??? lol. I don’t know anything about FOG except for what I’ve learned from Tom and from the Forums here.
We are ever ever, so slightly ever behind on our very small 50 Optiplex 9020 imaging project. Although we’ve finished all our other projects already and will tackle this on (hopefully) Thursday.
So I’ll try this Wednesday and see how it goes.
Bumping this thread again. I think we need this feature.
FOG Version 4692 now has the ability to set hosts individually with specific boot type exit parameters.
They can also be setup by groups. I don’t have any good way to verify that the individual items will actually work, as all of my systems are VMs, and only one of them is my “test” station for now.
Please test and let me know if things are good to go for you all.
@Tom-Elliott Just tried out this feature in the current trunk, there is a bug with it. I’m on r4788 I think.
When setting one group’s “Group Bios Exit Type” to “Grub”, it changed this option for every client in the building…
So, using groups, I’ve quickly set everything in the building back to SANBOOT.
I’d consider this a pretty high priority bug because it would have likely prevented many systems from booting.
It also appears to have turned off all service settings for all computers in the building, and I cannot turn them all back on via Groups…
Going to revert to Friday’s snapshot on r4571
@Wayne-Workman I’m not sure i understand, it’s setting ALL clients, even those that are not in the group?
Has this been sorted, We’re running 1.3.4 and I’m getting an error about chainloading failed, FOG has been working fine for around 2 years on version 1.3.4 and now stopped working.
@dloudon96 If it has worked before I doubt this thread is helping to fix things for you. Please open a new topic (there is no restriction) and post all your details - error message (picture of screen), steps you tried, things that changed before it stopped working, …