Apache Fails (trunk4004)
@mrbrown said:
Not sure but I think it’s a problem in the check of the installation of this package in the installation.
@ch3i Anything else I can try?
@mrbrown inside of trunk/lib/common/functions.sh
comment out the “exit 1” line by putting a # in front of it like this:
Then try again. All this will do is allow the installer to continue even if something “fails”. It won’t fix a problem if there actually is a problem though… and fog still might not work…
@Wayne-Workman Made the change so it would run out and got thisfoginstall.log
- Checking package: libapache2-mod-php5…Failed!
- Restarting Apache2 for fog vhost…Failed!
@mrbrown Very interesting. Can you remove both of these and then reinstall them manually?
apt-get remove libapache2-mod-php5 apache2 apt-get erase libapache2-mod-php5 apache2 apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 apache2
I’m not really great with Ubuntu, but you get the idea right? Remove them and reinstall and try again.
Are you behind a proxy?
@Developers @Moderators any ideas?
@Wayne-Workman I’ve only seen the “threaded” error on our vps and that was relatively simple to fix. That said it was due to the php.ini file we need that allows php to run in threaded instances vs a single thread that php normally operates on. My question for the OP, what modifications have you attempted to make to you Apache configuration and do you have a php.ini.new file hiding in you php file tree?
For what it’s worth, this happened to me on Ubuntu 12.04 and the newer SVN’s. (from about 37xx) It started off with the “json” package failing. I followed a few threads to try and “fix” it but it ended up breaking the package manager. I’m guessing here, but something may be wrong with the extra package repositories added by the SVN and it breaks the package manager. I didn’t take a snapshot of the errors but it had to do with PHP5 and dependencies and was in an endless loop. After a couple of days of frustration and no online solutions, I bit the bullet and did a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04.3LTS. Reinstalled FOG 1.2.0, then the latest SVN installed seamlessly. I had 3 nodes all on Ubuntu 12.04 and the SVN broke them all. With Ubuntu 14.04 the SVN installs fine. I’m still experiencing problems re-imaging but at least FOG is up and running. Hope this info helps. -
Sorry, a bit late but maybe this would have helped: http://www.mylinuxguide.com/apache-is-running-a-threaded-mpm-but-your-php-module-is-not-compiled-to-be-threadsafe/
I was having a similar issue with trying to update to 1.20 from .032 on a Elementary OS server. The dependencies were just so old and beyond repair it would have taken forever to debug and try to find al the little pieces that were not right. I just went ahead and reloaded my server with Ubuntu 14.04 and reloaded the server. Since then its been fine. I tried all that apache removal stuff and reinstall and it was always some little issue until i reloaded. Have you tried loading a FOG VM on your existing server to just narrow it down to the OS load on your machine?
Don’t know if any of this sparks any ideas, but maybe it will help.
@Tom-Elliott The only change made, from a working SVN#3003?? was system updates and installing 4004. It had been working great, had an issue with an image uploading so I thought I would try the latest trunk. If I need to wipe it and switch to 14 (always thought that was a no no), or wipe it and start back with 12 again. I just need to get this up and running. Don’t get me wrong, I would like to keep what I have but if I can’t
I run 14.04 and seems to work great. Few hiccups here and there but overall is good. I would see what @Moderators think. Just to have a double check.
@Tom-Elliott Tom, I would be lying if I said I knew where to look for a php.ini
@Tom-Elliott trunk 4018, same result foginstall.log