Switching NAS servers
@szecca1 said:
@ch3i Absolutely, the images will show the storage space node, my configuration to the NAS storage and the image that is on the old storage node that it shouldn’t see anymore
Image informations are stored in Database, you have to remove it from web UI if you don’t want to copy/back images from your old NAS.
@szecca1 Glad to see you have a new synology box,
But I messaged you a month ago and sent you several notifications that a feature has been implemented just for your problems with NAS and synology… You can now specify the FTP path in a late FOG Trunk version which basically means you don’t have to change a thing on your Synology box as far as symbolic links or anything goes… You could still use the one synology box for everything if you wish
Thank @Tom-Elliott for this.
@Wayne-Workman If that’s the case I apologize,! I dont think I ever saw that or maybe have just forgotten since its been a bit since we had a new one. I will take a look but I am testing now as I might have gotten it lol! Thanks
Yea I must have missed something because I am getting a “failed to mount NFS volume” error
@szecca1 said:
I am getting a “failed to mount NFS volume” error
Double Check your NFS path in the storage node settings.
@Wayne-Workman There is no NFS setting in the storage node settings. Just IP address unless that setting is somewhere else
@szecca1 said:
@Wayne-Workman There is no NFS setting in the storage node settings. Just IP address unless that setting is somewhere else
Sorry, it’s called Image Path. Also, you’ll need a newer version of FOG Trunk to get the FTP Path field too.
You can use github to do that, or wait for Source Forge to get svn working again.
@Wayne-Workman Ok I was wondering why my svn wasn’t working. I am going to update using git right now and let you know how that goes. And thank you, no need to apologize at all.
I appreciate all the help!
It fails with this error. And I checked the file path and it should be good. I didn’t have to change that as that was the same for both synology boxes.
@szecca1 Can’t skip steps
And you’re supposed to change /some/local/folder to a folder where you want your git repository stored.
@Wayne-Workman haha yea I was hoping to just change the IP address and it would work. But I just updated the GIT and still getting the same issue.
@Wayne-Workman I feel like I am back to the beginning where you guys helped me fix this a few months ago. I still am getting the same error or fatal error failed to mount NFS volume. I followed some things on the wiki page but maybe I am missing something. Any thoughts? I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that the .mntcheck is not on the new synology box but I can’t figure out how to get it there.
@szecca1 the .mntcheck file is just a blank file. FOG merely checks that it exists - hence the name mntcheck. If FOG can see a file named that, then FOG knows that NFS has been mounted correctly.
To create this file, just issue the touch command in the images and dev directories.
touch .mntcheck
@Wayne-Workman I did that and that file is not showing up on my Synology server. I am not sure if this is what is causing my issue but I am still getting that error message. I am not sure what I did wrong
@szecca1 I don’t think the mntcheck files are the issue. If FOG couldn’t find them, it’d say it couldn’t find them. Your problem happens before the check - it fails during mounting.
I’d ensure that your /images directory on the new synology box is being shared via NFS with 777 permissions on it.
@Wayne-Workman I just did that and still getting the same error message. Maybe it still thinks I am trying to give the old Synology box those rights? Is there a way to check if in Linux, the IP address is the right Synology box?
@Wayne-Workman Should I delete the storage node and start over?
@Wayne-Workman https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/NAS_Storage_Node
Or should I follow these instructions?
@szecca1 said:
@Wayne-Workman https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/NAS_Storage_Node
Or should I follow these instructions?
Those instructions have been made somewhat obsolete with the new FTP Path feature.
I’d say run through the troubleshooting found here to see what your issue with NFS is:
https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Troubleshoot_NFSI’d pay special attention to the testing NFS bits at the top.
@Wayne-Workman Good morning, I just tried doing what you sent me and I created the text file but when I boot my machine it just boots to windows. Theres no options on the screen like the instructions say there should be