Fixparts missing form SVN 3557 & 3564
I am trying to upload an image of Windows 8.1 using Fog SVN 3557 in debug upload mode. To be able to fix the GPT table I need the fixparts command which cannot be found. I the upgraded to trunk 3564 and have the same issue. Can anyone tell me how to fix? Also, could it be possible to add this as a feature request when designating it to be a Windows 8.1 image to automatically do the fixparts when uploading? Thanks in advance.
It should be there…
Try to search for it on the debug host?
[CODE]find / | grep fixparts[/CODE]
After searching on debug host it returns nothing.
Asking for a dev to take a look…
@Developers -
Is this fixed in 3565?
Fix parts is back.