New FOG install completes, but web GUI forces Upgrade with Database error
Hello, I just installed fog_1.2.0 and installed with the FOG server IP of, which is the same IP as this Desktop computer.
I then go to
The page says to INSTALL/UPGRADE NOW.
The next page says Update/Install Failed!Update ID: 1 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE DATABASE fog Update ID: 1 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`groupMembers` ( `gmID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `gmHostID` int(11) NOT NULL, `gmGroupID` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`gmID`), KEY `new_index` (`gmHostID`), KEY `new_index1` (`gmGroupID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC Update ID: 1 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`groups` ( `groupID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `groupName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `groupDesc` longtext NOT NULL, `groupDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `groupCreateBy` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `groupBuilding` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`groupID`), KEY `new_index` (`groupName`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`history` ( `hID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `hText` longtext NOT NULL, `hUser` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `hTime` datetime NOT NULL, `hIP` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`hID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`hosts` ( `hostID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `hostName` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `hostDesc` longtext NOT NULL, `hostIP` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `hostImage` int(11) NOT NULL, `hostBuilding` int(11) NOT NULL, `hostCreateDate` datetime NOT NULL, `hostCreateBy` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `hostMAC` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `hostOS` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`hostID`), KEY `new_index` (`hostName`), KEY `new_index1` (`hostIP`), KEY `new_index2` (`hostMAC`), KEY `new_index3` (`hostOS`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 5 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`images` ( `imageID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `imageName` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `imageDesc` longtext NOT NULL, `imagePath` longtext NOT NULL, `imageDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `imageCreateBy` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `imageBuilding` int(11) NOT NULL, `imageSize` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`imageID`), KEY `new_index` (`imageName`), KEY `new_index1` (`imageBuilding`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 6 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`schemaVersion` ( `vID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `vValue` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`vID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC Update ID: 1 - 7 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`supportedOS` ( `osID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `osName` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `osValue` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`osID`), KEY `new_index` (`osValue`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 8 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`tasks` ( `taskID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `taskName` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `taskCreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `taskCheckIn` datetime NOT NULL, `taskHostID` int(11) NOT NULL, `taskState` int(11) NOT NULL, `taskCreateBy` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `taskForce` varchar(1) NOT NULL, `taskScheduledStartTime` datetime NOT NULL, `taskType` varchar(1) NOT NULL, `taskPCT` int(10) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`taskID`), KEY `new_index` (`taskHostID`), KEY `new_index1` (`taskCheckIn`), KEY `new_index2` (`taskState`), KEY `new_index3` (`taskForce`), KEY `new_index4` (`taskType`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 9 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`users` ( `uId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `uName` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `uPass` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `uCreateDate` datetime NOT NULL, `uCreateBy` varchar(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uId`), KEY `new_index` (`uName`), KEY `new_index1` (`uPass`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 1 - 10 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.`users` VALUES ('','fog', MD5('password'),'0000-00-00 00:00:00','') Update ID: 1 - 11 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.`supportedOS` VALUES ('','Windows XP', '1') Update ID: 1 - 12 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.`schemaVersion` VALUES ('','1') Update ID: 2 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.`supportedOS` VALUES ('','Windows Vista', '2') Update ID: 2 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '2' Update ID: 3 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: ALTER TABLE `fog`.`hosts` ADD COLUMN `hostUseAD` char NOT NULL AFTER `hostOS`, ADD COLUMN `hostADDomain` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostUseAD`, ADD COLUMN `hostADOU` longtext NOT NULL AFTER `hostADDomain`, ADD COLUMN `hostADUser` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostADOU`, ADD COLUMN `hostADPass` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostADUser`, ADD COLUMN `hostAnon1` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostADPass`, ADD COLUMN `hostAnon2` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostAnon1`, ADD COLUMN `hostAnon3` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostAnon2`, ADD COLUMN `hostAnon4` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `hostAnon3`, ADD INDEX `new_index4`(`hostUseAD`) Update ID: 3 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`snapinAssoc` ( `saID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `saHostID` int(11) NOT NULL, `saSnapinID` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`saID`), KEY `new_index` (`saHostID`), KEY `new_index1` (`saSnapinID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 3 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`snapinJobs` ( `sjID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `sjHostID` int(11) NOT NULL, `sjCreateTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sjID`), KEY `new_index` (`sjHostID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 3 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`snapinTasks` ( `stID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `stJobID` int(11) NOT NULL, `stState` int(11) NOT NULL, `stCheckinDate` datetime NOT NULL, `stCompleteDate` datetime NOT NULL, `stSnapinID` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`stID`), KEY `new_index` (`stJobID`), KEY `new_index1` (`stState`), KEY `new_index2` (`stSnapinID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 3 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`snapins` ( `sID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `sName` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `sDesc` longtext NOT NULL, `sFilePath` longtext NOT NULL, `sArgs` longtext NOT NULL, `sCreateDate` datetime NOT NULL, `sCreator` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `sReboot` varchar(1) NOT NULL, `sAnon1` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `sAnon2` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `sAnon3` varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sID`), KEY `new_index` (`sName`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 3 - 5 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '3' Update ID: 4 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`multicastSessions` ( `msID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `msName` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msBasePort` int(11) NOT NULL, `msLogPath` longtext NOT NULL, `msImage` longtext NOT NULL, `msClients` int(11) NOT NULL, `msInterface` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msStartDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `msPercent` int(11) NOT NULL, `msState` int(11) NOT NULL, `msCompleteDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `msAnon1` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msAnon2` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msAnon3` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msAnon4` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `msAnon5` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`msID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 4 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`multicastSessionsAssoc` ( `msaID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `msID` int(11) NOT NULL, `tID` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`msaID`), KEY `new_index` (`msID`), KEY `new_index1` (`tID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 4 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '4' Update ID: 5 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: ALTER TABLE `fog`.`images` ADD COLUMN `imageDD` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL AFTER `imageSize`, ADD INDEX `new_index2`(`imageDD`) Update ID: 5 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`supportedOS` set osName = 'Windows 2000/XP' where osValue = '1' Update ID: 5 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.`supportedOS` VALUES ('','Other', '99') Update ID: 5 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: ALTER TABLE `fog`.`multicastSessions` CHANGE COLUMN `msAnon1` `msIsDD` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL Update ID: 5 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '5' Update ID: 6 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`virus` ( `vID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `vName` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `vHostMAC` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `vOrigFile` longtext NOT NULL, `vDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `vMode` varchar(5) NOT NULL, `vAnon2` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`vID`), INDEX `new_index`(`vHostMAC`), INDEX `new_index2`(`vDateTime`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM Update ID: 6 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '6' Update ID: 7 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`userTracking` ( `utID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `utHostID` integer NOT NULL, `utUserName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `utAction` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `utDateTime` datetime NOT NULL, `utDesc` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `utDate` date NOT NULL, `utAnon3` varchar(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`utID`), INDEX `new_index`(`utHostID`), INDEX `new_index1`(`utUserName`), INDEX `new_index2`(`utAction`), INDEX `new_index3`(`utDateTime`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM Update ID: 7 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: ALTER TABLE `fog`.`hosts` CHANGE COLUMN `hostAnon1` `hostPrinterLevel` VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL Update ID: 7 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`printers` ( `pID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pPort` longtext NOT NULL, `pDefFile` longtext NOT NULL, `pModel` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `pAlias` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `pConfig` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `pIP` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `pAnon2` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `pAnon3` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `pAnon4` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `pAnon5` varchar(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pID`), INDEX `new_index1`(`pModel`), INDEX `new_index2`(`pAlias`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM Update ID: 7 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`printerAssoc` ( `paID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `paHostID` integer NOT NULL, `paPrinterID` integer NOT NULL, `paIsDefault` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `paAnon1` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `paAnon2` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `paAnon3` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `paAnon4` varchar(2) NOT NULL, `paAnon5` varchar(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`paID`), INDEX `new_index1`(`paHostID`), INDEX `new_index2`(`paPrinterID`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM Update ID: 7 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`inventory` ( `iID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `iHostID` int(11) NOT NULL, `iPrimaryUser` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `iOtherTag` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `iOtherTag1` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `iCreateDate` datetime NOT NULL, `iSysman` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iSysproduct` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iSysversion` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iSysserial` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iSystype` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iBiosversion` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iBiosvendor` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iBiosdate` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMbman` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMbproductname` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMbversion` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMbserial` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMbasset` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCpuman` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCpuversion` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCpucurrent` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCpumax` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iMem` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iHdmodel` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iHdfirmware` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iHdserial` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCaseman` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCasever` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCaseserial` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `iCaseasset` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`iID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Update ID: 7 - 5 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`clientUpdates` ( `cuID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cuName` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `cuMD5` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `cuType` varchar(3) NOT NULL, `cuFile` LONGBLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cuID`), INDEX `new_index`(`cuName`), INDEX `new_index1`(`cuType`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM Update ID: 7 - 6 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '7' Update ID: 8 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO fog.supportedOS(osName, osValue) values( 'Windows 98', '3' ) Update ID: 8 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO fog.supportedOS(osName, osValue) values( 'Windows (other)', '4' ) Update ID: 8 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO fog.supportedOS(osName, osValue) values( 'Linux', '50' ) Update ID: 8 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: ALTER TABLE `fog`.`multicastSessions` MODIFY COLUMN `msIsDD` integer NOT NULL Update ID: 8 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: UPDATE `fog`.`schemaVersion` set vValue = '8' Update ID: 9 - 0 Database Error: Database SQL: CREATE TABLE `fog`.`globalSettings` ( `settingID` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `settingKey` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL, `settingDesc` longtext NOT NULL, `settingValue` varchar(254) NOT NULL, `settingCategory` varchar(254) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`settingID`), INDEX `new_index`(`settingKey`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM; Update ID: 9 - 1 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_HOST', 'Hostname or IP address of the TFTP Server.', '', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 2 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME', 'Username used to access the tftp server via ftp.', 'fog', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 3 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD', 'Password used to access the tftp server via ftp.', 'af826c', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 4 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_PXE_CONFIG_DIR', 'Location of pxe boot files on the PXE server.', 'TFTP_PXE_CONFIG_DIR', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 5 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR', 'Location of kernel files on the PXE server.', '/var/www/fog/service/ipxe/', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 6 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_TFTP_PXE_KERNEL', 'Location of kernel file on the PXE server, this should point to the kernel itself.', 'bzImage', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 7 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_KERNEL_RAMDISK_SIZE', 'This setting defines the amount of physical memory (in KB) you want to use for the boot image. This setting needs to be larger than the boot image and smaller that the total physical memory on the client.', '127000', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 8 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_USE_SLOPPY_NAME_LOOKUPS', 'The settings was added to workaround a partial implementation of DHCP in the boot image. The boot image is unable to obtain a DNS server address from the DHCP server, so what this setting will do is resolve any hostnames to IP address on the FOG server before writing the config files.', '1', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 9 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_MEMTEST_KERNEL', 'The settings defines where the memtest boot image/kernel is located.', 'memtest.bin', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 10 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE', 'The settings defines where the fog boot file system image is located.', 'init.xz', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 11 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_PXE_IMAGE_DNSADDRESS', 'Since the fog boot image has an incomplete dhcp implementation, you can specify a dns address to be used with the boot image. If you are going to use this settings, you should turn FOG_USE_SLOPPY_NAME_LOOKUPS off.', '', 'TFTP Server') Update ID: 9 - 12 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_HOST', 'This setting defines the hostname or ip address of the NFS server used with FOG.', '', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 13 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_FTP_USERNAME', 'This setting defines the username used to access files on the nfs server used with FOG.', 'fog', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 14 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_FTP_PASSWORD', 'This setting defines the password used to access flies on the nfs server used with FOG.', 'af826c', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 15 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_DATADIR', 'This setting defines the directory on the NFS server where images are stored. ', '/images/', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 16 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_DATADIR_UPLOAD', 'This setting defines the directory on the NFS server where images are uploaded too.', '/images/dev/', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 17 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_BANDWIDTHPATH', 'This setting defines the web page used to acquire the bandwidth used by the nfs server.', '/fog/status/bandwidth.php', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 18 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_UPLOADRESIZEPCT', 'This setting defines the amount of padding applied to a partition before attempting resize the ntfs volume and upload it.', '5', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 19 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_WEB_HOST', 'This setting defines the hostname or ip address of the web server used with fog.', '', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 20 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_WEB_ROOT', 'This setting defines the path to the fog webserver\'s root directory.', '/fog/', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 21 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_WOL_HOST', 'This setting defines the ip address of hostname for the server hosting the Wake-on-lan service.', '', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 22 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_WOL_PATH', 'This setting defines the path to the files performing the WOL tasks.', '/fog/wol/wol.php', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 23 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_WOL_INTERFACE', 'This setting defines the network interface used in the WOL process.', 'eth0', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 24 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_SNAPINDIR', 'This setting defines the location of the snapin files. These files must be hosted on the web server.', '/opt/fog/snapins/', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 25 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_QUEUESIZE', 'This setting defines how many unicast tasks to allow to be active at one time.', '10', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 26 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_CHECKIN_TIMEOUT', 'This setting defines the amount of time between client checks to determine if they are active clients.', '600', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 27 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_USER_MINPASSLENGTH', 'This setting defines the minimum number of characters in a user\'s password.', '4', 'User Management') Update ID: 9 - 28 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_USER_VALIDPASSCHARS', 'This setting defines the valid characters used in a password.', '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZXYabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_()^!#-', 'User Management') Update ID: 9 - 29 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_NFS_ETH_MONITOR', 'This setting defines which interface is monitored for traffic summaries.', 'eth0', 'NFS Server') Update ID: 9 - 30 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_UDPCAST_INTERFACE', 'This setting defines the interface used in multicast communications.', 'eth0', 'Multicast Settings') Update ID: 9 - 31 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_UDPCAST_STARTINGPORT', 'This setting defines the starting port number used in multicast communications. This starting port number must be an even number.', '63100', 'Multicast Settings') Update ID: 9 - 32 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_MULTICAST_MAX_SESSIONS', 'This setting defines the maximum number of multicast sessions that can be running at one time.', '64', 'Multicast Settings') Update ID: 9 - 33 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_JPGRAPH_VERSION', 'This setting defines ', '2.3', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 34 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_REPORT_DIR', 'This setting defines the location on the web server of the FOG reports.', './reports/', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 35 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_THEME', 'This setting defines what css style sheet and theme to use for FOG.', 'FOG_THEME', 'Web Server') Update ID: 9 - 36 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_UPLOADIGNOREPAGEHIBER', 'This setting defines if you would like to remove hibernate and swap files before uploading a Windows image. ', '1', 'General Settings') Update ID: 9 - 37 Database Error: Database SQL: INSERT INTO `fog`.globalSettings(settingKey, settingDesc, settingValue, settingCategory) values('FOG_SERVICE_DIRECTORYCLEANER_ENABLED', 'This setting defines if the Windows Service module directory cleaner should be enabled on client computers. This service is clean out the contents of a directory on when a user logs out of the workstation. (Valid values: 0 or 1).', '1', 'FOG Service - Directory Cleaner') Update ID: 9 - 38
Just a guess, but you’re running ubuntu?
Hello, thank you for the reply.
I’ve installed FOG on Linux Mint 17.1, which runs on Ubuntu 14.04.2.If FOG doesn’t run on Ubuntu, then I’ll have to read the documentation again to check what FOG will run on.
I never said fog doesn’t run on Ubuntu. All I said was I guessed you were on Ubuntu. (I suppose I should generalize it, but it is a known issue).
Oh, sorry.
I’m so used to Forums shooting down people trying to learn, that I thought it was my fault again and I missed the compatibility checks.Well, that’s good to hear.
Hmm, I guess I’ll have to wait then for some development?
Maybe I’ll try FOG on my Mac then, until the Ubuntu bug is fixed.
Would love to help, but I’m not sure if I could? -
@eiger3970 said:
Oh, sorry.
I’m so used to Forums shooting down people trying to learn, that I thought it was my fault again and I missed the compatibility checks.Well, that’s good to hear.
Hmm, I guess I’ll have to wait then for some development?
Maybe I’ll try FOG on my Mac then, until the Ubuntu bug is fixed.
Would love to help, but I’m not sure if I could?Don’t worry, we’re a nice bunch here. In fact, we like getting bug reports. It would be horrible if you guys didn’t give us quick feedback.
Okay, thank you
@eiger3970 said:
I’m so used to Forums shooting down people trying to learn, that I thought it was my fault again and I missed the compatibility checks.
We only get aggravated when big-ego arrogant people try to tell US how things work…
Ok, I tried installing on Mac OSX 10.10.3.
/opt/fog-setup/fog_1.2.0/bin$ sudo ./ Script started, output file in /var/log/foginstall.log script: -c: No such file or directory
@eiger3970 said:
Ok, I tried installing on Mac OSX 10.10.3.
/opt/fog-setup/fog_1.2.0/bin$ sudo ./ Script started, output file in /var/log/foginstall.log script: -c: No such file or directory
Installing on OSX is not ideal nor supported… FOG is built for Linux.
If you wanna go the OSX route, you & the WiKi are on your own.
I prefer to install on Linux, however due to being unable to run Fog after the Linux install, I thought Mac might work.Basically, I’m trying to finish my install of an OS on my client via PXE and though Mac might be a work around until the Fog bug is fixed.
I wouldn’t be able to help with putting it on OSX…
You should get your Linux box up and running.
Ubuntu is … a hassal and is kind of expected to haver some hiccups. I’d recommend using Cent OS or Fedora. Or if you are more comfortable with Ubuntu, 12.04 LTS is great, its actually what one of my development servers run on.