Can't copy /dev/@MAC to /images (Qnap)
Etape 1: Tu cliques sur le liens
Etape 2: Tu tombes direct sur “Dossiers partagés” et là il faut sur une petite icone à côté du dossier “images” et tu as ça qui s’ouvre
Quand je me connecte en FTP.
The LN is because the user FOG in FTP have /share/MD0_DATA as root folder.
It’s Slowave who add it to solve the problem of FOG copy via FTP.But the user FOG have not the rights on /share…
Any idea ?
I’m lost…
Can the below posts be translated to English for future users?
@Wayne-Workman said:
I’m lost…
Can the below posts be translated to English for future users?
The user FOG on NAS have these access :
NFS root folder : /share/MD0_DATA/images
FTP root folder : /share/MD0_DATAFOG client try to access to /share/MD0_DATA/share/MD0_DATA/images << that tree is false.
The user FOG can’t browse the / of the NAS.We try to create a ln :
ln -s /share /share/MD0_DATA/share
But FOG is not an admin of QNap NAS.
@ch3i said:
We try to create a ln :
ln -s /share /share/MD0_DATA/share
But FOG is not an admin of QNap NAS.So just use the root user of the QNap NAS ?
All it’s ok !!! YEAH !
Ok, I will create a tutorial as I had done with FreeNAS next week.
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
With the storage Node Qnap:
-The upload is ok.
-Move image “/dev/@MAC” to “/images/Name” is ok.
-Download tomorrow but i’m sure it will be ok.I use the “fog” user.
Thank for your help
I finish my school report and next week, i tell you all.
@Tom-Elliott said:
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
@Tom-Elliott said:
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
Finally ftp://IP/images is OK without anymore configuration, it’s seem to be a native setting in Qnap.
He modify his storage node configuration too.