Can't copy /dev/@MAC to /images (Qnap)
@Slowave said:
Hi ! (Fog Server 1.2.0 Storage: QNAP TS-469U)
I want to upload a image to my NAS, and the image don’t go to the folder /NAMeOfMyImage.
SO, i look the tuto Troubleshoot FTP : But on my host, i have 0
error message. I have “task complete”…“shutdown host”, and when i look on my NAS:Storage Maganement, i use the user “FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME” ans password. I create the same user/pass on the NAS.
I can " cp -a /share/MD0_DATA/image/dev/@MAC /share/MD0_DATA/images/NameOfMyImage" but It’s not very professional
On the NAS: fog can write/read on the folder “images”
Not sure but chmod in 777 your .mntcheck files.
Ensure that the user FOG on the NAS has the right to move file in FTP. You can check it with a FTP client.Regards,
Ch3i. -
You are right !
I test a copy on “images” and i can’t with the user “fog”
But when i look the config on the NAS:
French… So is this solved?
My bad English gives a clue about my nationality
I’m at home, I test this afternoon -
@Slowave said:
My bad English gives a clue about my nationality
I’m at home, I test this afternoonNot your english, your screenshot lol
Starting helping in french via online chat.
Etape 1: Tu cliques sur le liens
Etape 2: Tu tombes direct sur “Dossiers partagés” et là il faut sur une petite icone à côté du dossier “images” et tu as ça qui s’ouvre
Quand je me connecte en FTP.
The LN is because the user FOG in FTP have /share/MD0_DATA as root folder.
It’s Slowave who add it to solve the problem of FOG copy via FTP.But the user FOG have not the rights on /share…
Any idea ?
I’m lost…
Can the below posts be translated to English for future users?
@Wayne-Workman said:
I’m lost…
Can the below posts be translated to English for future users?
The user FOG on NAS have these access :
NFS root folder : /share/MD0_DATA/images
FTP root folder : /share/MD0_DATAFOG client try to access to /share/MD0_DATA/share/MD0_DATA/images << that tree is false.
The user FOG can’t browse the / of the NAS.We try to create a ln :
ln -s /share /share/MD0_DATA/share
But FOG is not an admin of QNap NAS.
@ch3i said:
We try to create a ln :
ln -s /share /share/MD0_DATA/share
But FOG is not an admin of QNap NAS.So just use the root user of the QNap NAS ?
All it’s ok !!! YEAH !
Ok, I will create a tutorial as I had done with FreeNAS next week.
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
With the storage Node Qnap:
-The upload is ok.
-Move image “/dev/@MAC” to “/images/Name” is ok.
-Download tomorrow but i’m sure it will be ok.I use the “fog” user.
Thank for your help
I finish my school report and next week, i tell you all.
@Tom-Elliott said:
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
@Tom-Elliott said:
What finally fixed it?
Are you using the “fog” user or the admin or the administrator?
Finally ftp://IP/images is OK without anymore configuration, it’s seem to be a native setting in Qnap.
He modify his storage node configuration too.