Cannot Download most images
I am on version 3432 and I can upload new images to FOG, but I cannot Download images to systems. I have checked the permissions on /images and nothing has changed recently, but now when I try and schedule a Download Task I get the below error:
Take a look at this: us know if there are any issues, we’re here to help.
@Tim.Trageser not sure is that your problem but… :
Okay so I had to do a combo of Way 1 and 2. I had done Way 1 yesterday when I updated to 3431 per Tom’s forum post. Then to fix the issue that 3431 caused I updated to 3432. Since I didn’t check immediately not sure if the password never took in the Storage Node or not. I repeated Way 1 today then checked the Storage Node in FOG and found that I had to manually change the password there. Maybe you need to stop and start a service in FOG after changing .fogsettings?
Anyway it is fixed.
I spoke to soon. the Task gets created, but now I get errors when it tries to image:
I can hardly read what those pictures say…
What is the exact error?
Preparing Hard Disks (Stage 1)…error: /dev/sda1: No such file or directory udevd[2766]: inotify_add_watch(6, /dev/sda1, 10) failed: no such file or directory
And PartClone just says error exit when it gets to /dev/sda1
@Tim.Trageser said:
Maybe you need to stop and start a service in FOG after changing .fogsettings?
The .fogsettings is used for the installation of FOG. If you modify the .fogsettings you must run the installer again.
Ch3i. -
Please examine this: think you may be affected.