Multiple NIC Hosts
Finally got a chance to play with it, and I have a solution.
Insert a 5-second sleep between setting the interface up and checking the link status (we can’t just check before it gets a chance to find out if it is connected to a cable). Here’s the snippet as modified.
/sbin/ip link set $iface upProvide time for the interface to update linkstate
sleep 5
linkstate=$(/bin/cat /sys/class/net/$iface/carrier)
…[/CODE]Works on my end.
…and if you wait just a second, I’ll have an optimized version…
[CODE]# Enable all interfaces
ifaces=$(ls -1 /sys/class/net | tr -d ‘@’)
for iface in $ifaces; do
/sbin/ip link set $iface up
doneProvide time for interfaces to detect their state
sleep 5
echo “auto lo” > /etc/network/interfaces
echo “iface lo inet loopback” >> /etc/network/interfacesfor iface in $ifaces; do
linkstate=$(/bin/cat /sys/class/net/$iface/carrier)
if [[ “x$linkstate” = “x1” -a “x$iface” != “xlo” ]]; then
echo “auto $iface” >> /etc/network/interfaces
echo “iface $iface inet dhcp” >> /etc/network/interfaces
echo -e “\tudhcpc_opts -t 100 -T 20\n” >> /etc/network/interfaces
/sbin/ip link set $iface down
done[/CODE]This solution only requires one sleep rather than five-seconds of sleep time per interface.
Edit: Fixed typos.
Bad statement.
linkstate=$(/bin/cat /sys/class/net/$iface
Should be
linkstate=$(/bin/cat /sys/class/net/$iface) -
Also, shouldn’t the tr -d be tr -d ‘@’ not tr -d ‘0’?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43117, member: 7271”]Also, shouldn’t the tr -d be tr -d ‘@’ not tr -d ‘0’?[/quote]
Sorry, I was copying off code from my cellphone and wasn’t thinking about what I was typing. Also caught another typo on the udhcpc_opt statement.
Fixed the typos in the original post.
There’s one more issue
Shouldn’t the cat be reading a file, not the directory?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43128, member: 7271”]There’s one more issue
Shouldn’t the cat be reading a file, not the directory?[/quote]
Yes. Fixed again. I really should have slept more last night.
It’s all good, you should see the issues I forget about, like using my mac address implicitly in the inventory and wondering why everybody else is getting repeated inventory errors.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43130, member: 7271”]It’s all good, you should see the issues I forget about, like using my mac address implicitly in the inventory and wondering why everybody else is getting repeated inventory errors.[/quote]
Now that’s a good one.
Thank you guys for working on this and making it all run smoothly!