Can't complete the fog install!
Ok, no I didn’t copy the exact command that is on that page, because I know fog has developed pretty fast over 2014, so I downloaded straight from the link to sourceforge, the tar.gz, fog 1.2.0
thanks Tom, for doing your best to help, I’ve gotta go, its 2.37am here.
If you copied and pasted the exact information in that install guide that means you copied the example that was 0.32. Please see that wiki again after the resent update. It should be more clear.
I’m back, @wolf
I said that i didn’t just cut and paste that install line for fog 0.32, I downloaded 1.2.0 from big bold link on the fog home page. That 0.32 no longer exists anyways!My problems: 1. Mysql failed to start during fog install… solution: I comment out bind-address
2. Cannot get to the fog management page when prompted to… Apache error log reports not connecting on 80
So I need a solution to this… it might be apache or mysql password - but I just installed mysql with blanks.Thanks
This morning, apache log does not report an error when trying to connect to fog management, only this
[Thu Feb 12 10:02:31 2015] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) PHP/5.4.36-0+deb7u3 configured – resuming normal operations
[CODE]sudo lsof -i :80
chromium 4655 fog 155u IPv4 33318 0t0 TCP debian.local:46894-> (CLOSE_WAIT)
apache2 9661 root 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 9681 www-data 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 9682 www-data 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 9683 www-data 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 9684 www-data 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2 9685 www-data 3u IPv4 32521 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)[/CODE][CODE]sudo netstat -lnp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3601/mysqld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1857/rpcbind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 9661/apache2
…[/CODE] -
Today I re-installed Debian, and ran the fog install script - this time Mysql had no issue starting and I reached the fog management page.
the only thing I can think of last time that I had changed before installing fog was interfaces, I changed auto lo to auto eth0 -
I’m back again because, although I got to the fog management page, once I shifted the server off the internet, I couldn’t get there any more.
I really don’t understand IP settings much. When I ran the installer today, I answered yes to the suggested IP addresses, and got on, then move the pc to where we are making the network and couldn’t get into fog anymore.
I since found the user guide for installing for an isolated network and there it says to put in a static IP, and answer no to the next two IP questions. [url][/url]
But with that method, I couldn’t get into the fog page.
So, if I use the automatic IP which the fog install script gives me, I can connect to the fog page.
But what do I do later on when I take the server off the internet/change network ??
Hi, I need some one to answer my question, if they could be a little patient!
My fog server IP was set up by the install script as [url][/url]
That was made because of connected to internet.
Now I want to go on isolated network, so how do I change the IP address? what to?
Note that installing using “isolated network” guide failed to let me connect to fog UI page.
OK, I can see the guide how to change the IP, in the fog settings, but I can’t find those other files to make changes.
can I use [url][/url] ? but does the server IP need to change first? How do I do that??? I need step by step as I’m really tired!
I changed the IP as the guide shows, then restarted apache service
I login with [url][/url]
then it states Error contacting server - but that is with the ethernet internet pulled out
when I plugin again there’s “Estimated FOG sites: [B]4875”[/B]
That’s expected. The contacting stuff goes out to the internet. If you unplug, you’re no longer on the internet.
alright then so thats just contacting the internet? if im unplugged it says server not found and I thought I needed the server!
Pls save me your sarcasm and look at my posts above. I need to set up isolated server. Are you really unwilling to offer help here?
so sorry, that prob wasn’t sarcasm on your part, now I see your yeah as like I’m heading in the right direction.
so I can connect to but still not which I changed to in fog UI
maybe that doesn’t matter??
my only guess, as you’re is always Loop back.
It’s also known as localhost.
You setting the auto lo to auto eth0 is incorrect.
All auto lo does is start the loopback interface.
you can keep the lo interface from starting and only get the information from eth0 start start, but you need to statically set the IP and ifnormation for it.
How to do this is a little vague to be due to it being ubuntu/debian derivative. I believe you have to edit the auto eth0 to somethign like:
[code]auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
[/code]Then restart the system.
As far as I can tell the interface needs to be established before the other parts of the gui will work.
Yes I think Tom is right. You need to have a look at your network configuration. I’d suggest to have the config ‘/etc/network/interfaces’ like this:
[CODE]auto lo
iface lo inet loopbackauto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
You don’t need the gateway statement if you are in an isolated network without connection to the internet. [B]Please make sure you have ‘eth0’ and ‘lo’ configured as some linux services really need that loopback interface!!![/B]
Reboot your machine and check your network settings:
[CODE]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:1f:16:0c:32:50
inet Adresse: Maske:
lo Link encap:Lokale Schleife
inet Adresse: Maske:
…[/CODE] -
Right, you both confirmed what I’d seen about interface.
Concerning ip add change, the only file I can’t find is the pxe file. Its not in /tftpboot.
Can I run the fog install script again to set the ip add?
Right, you both confirmed what I’d seen about interface.
Concerning ip add change, the only file I can’t find is the pxe file. Its not in /tftpboot.
Can I run the fog install script again to set the ip add?
Right, you both confirmed what I’d seen about interface.
Concerning ip add change, the only file I can’t find is the pxe file. Its not in /tftpboot.
So to fix this whole thing i edited the .fogsetings file and I ran the fog install script again to set the ip address to my static one, as the last time I had used the automatic ip.
After that the client could register! Actually, there’s a list of correct things to do in the installation.txt file that I hadn’t read before, about setting static ip before install of fog. Perhaps the user guide should mention that file?
Thanks guys for this software…. We are donating 100s of computers to villages in the malayan jungle so fog is crucial.