Restoration USB Key
I need to make restoration key with specific image, to redeploy image on computer with no connection to network or internet. I try to make one usb key with clonezilla live and the fog image, but doesn’t work.
Have someone already do something like this, or is it possible to implement? Or i am the only dumb guy who need that ?
Olivier and his bad english !! -
What about a USB NIC adapter?
Imagine, you are a traveller, you go in the middle of nowhere with no access to your node and you need to re-install, boom usb restoration and you can work
Not to be narcissist but you could carry a spare Hard drive and screw driver too.
another imagine : you work with technicians in a another domain like energy or diagnostic but who are as good in changing part on a computer as me to build a rocket to go on mars. He crash is installation, and he reallllllllly need to work and call you all 5 secondes cause you are really bad on IT cause you can’t shamanise his computer. aotmatic usb key restore can be done with clonezilla. you plug in, boot on it and the computer image alone.
SO your asking for a USB version of IPXE. Boot to USB Select your image and format to version.
Yeah, or automatic if it’s possible
redo backup / ghost / acronis trueimage etc can all do this
fog is a very good piece of software for imaging networked PCs.
slightly problematic are laptops that are normally wireless but these are things you accept.
possibly if the developers spent all their time creating what has already been created the main product (network booting and imaging) might suffer.
also… if this is windows your imaging you could use the windows tools to make an unattended USB that automatically installs windows.