FOG on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Installing package: php-mysql Failed! (Will try later)
I get this error during the install however, FOG seems to be working. I was able to capture and deploy an image.
After going from Ubuntu 21.10 to 22.04.1 LTS (The Jellyfish one) I used the following commands to get rid of php 8.0 (Thanks @Sebastian-Roth )
a2dismod php8.0
a2enmod php8.1
apt purge php8.0*
systemctl restart apache2There was a minor issue when purging 8.0
“dpkg: warning: while removing php8.0-opcache, directory ‘/etc/php/8.0/mods-available’ not empty so not removed”
Then I upgraded from FOG to FOG The install went well with only the error regarding mysql but it seems to be working.
Is this something I should be concerned about.
Thanks all.
@Fog_Newb Thanks for testing and posting the details. I would be interested to see why it says “Failed” for php-mysql at first. Could you upload the other log file found in bin/error_logs/ as well?
@sebastian-roth I don’t have a directory by that name. I can’t seem to find any detailed logs for FOG other than what is in the fog directory.
@Fog_Newb The logs are found within the same directory which you run the FOG installer from. So if you have the project files cloned in /root/fogproject for example the log is in /root/fogproject/bin/error_logs/fog_error_1.5.9.174.log
@sebastian-roth dm sent with log file
@Fog_Newb Thanks for the full log file!
We can ignore the error on install of php-mysql. While installing several php packages the system restarts php-fpm over and over again and it complains about that when done too often.
We should take care of this at some point within the installer:
@sebastian-roth I just noticed .177 was out and updated. No errors at all during the update process.