FOG data wiping algorithms
For some compliance needs, I’m looking for technical details regarding used data wiping algorithms by FOG. Could you please be more precise as below :
- Simple Overwrite with 1 pass
- DOD 5220.22-M with 3 passes
- Gutmann with 35 passes
According to the official documentation, I only found this section here :
Fast Wipe :
This task does a quick and dirty wipe of the drive. This task writes zeros to the first ~40MB of the disk. This task should NOT be used if you don’t want your data to be recoverable.Normal Wipe :
This tasks writes random data to the entire surface area of the disk.Full Wipe :
This tasks writes random data, multiple times to the entire surface of the disk.Thank you for your help !
@wiping4thewin If you are doing this for compliance reasons, you might consider booting dban from your FOG server to have a compliant DoD approved wipe.
Let me look in the code to see what is going on.
@wiping4thewin For normal and full wipe FOG uses the
utility -
@george1421 : Thank a lot for your fast && accurate answer. Have a nice day !