@george1421 : Thank a lot for your fast && accurate answer. Have a nice day !
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RE: FOG data wiping algorithms
FOG data wiping algorithms
For some compliance needs, I’m looking for technical details regarding used data wiping algorithms by FOG. Could you please be more precise as below :
- Simple Overwrite with 1 pass
- DOD 5220.22-M with 3 passes
- Gutmann with 35 passes
According to the official documentation, I only found this section here : https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Managing_FOG#Advanced_Tasks
Fast Wipe :
This task does a quick and dirty wipe of the drive. This task writes zeros to the first ~40MB of the disk. This task should NOT be used if you don’t want your data to be recoverable.Normal Wipe :
This tasks writes random data to the entire surface area of the disk.Full Wipe :
This tasks writes random data, multiple times to the entire surface of the disk.Thank you for your help !