Software Inventory
We have developed a feature to make a software inventory. Although we use “FOG 0.30” (it’s a chimera between 0.30, 0.32 and 0.33 :)) I think is possible to implement quickly into FOG 0.33.
The feature works in this way:
1º) When you upload an image, the fog script import some windows registry keys ( only on Windows XP and W7, i don’t test it in W8).
2º) Before the end of the upload process, a new web service process the different registry files and insert the program data in DB (Program Name, Version, uninstall Path, …) and link this inventory to the image ID.
3º) The web service insert into History table a little log: which image Name and ID, from which computer and software inventory Version. When you upload a new image version, a new sofware inventory version is created.
Example: Inventario de software ( [B]ver 18[/B] ) añadido a la imagen [B]aula-bz-ingenieros-p0b14-docencia[/B] desde [B]u001022[/B]
You can see that is the 18º version, image name "aula-bz-ingenieros-p0b14-docencia[B] " [/B]and from computer name u001022
4º) when you download a image to one computer, the web service (Post_stage3.php) logs in DB which software version is downloading.
Example: Imagen aula-bz-rectorado-cpd-windows7Duado (version 1) volcada en equipo u001022
Image name “aula-bz-rectorado-cpd-windows7Duado”, version 1 and to u001022
5º) You can consult the diffent software versions by one report.[ATTACH]279[/ATTACH][ATTACH]280[/ATTACH][ATTACH]281[/ATTACH]
this is damn cool, would be great to see this included
I have created the same thing, except via snapin on the client computer. Its a simple VBS file that reads the registry.
I have also included a windows update management capability in 0.32. steps generally are:- Add required table to database ie: software inventory table (relevant fields)
- make change to php code to display option to show inventory (i do this on the same page that displays host information)
- create VBS to import registry values for software installed.
- Schedule a snap in task to refresh the list every day.
with windows updates its pretty much the same process, however there is more modification of the base php code to allow for update authorisation etc.
happy to post up the VBS files that i have used and screen shots.
but i agree, it must be made native in next version of fog.
perhaps Fog can start downloading windows updates and assisting with their deployment natively like a local repo.
[quote=“Fernando Gietz, post: 11328, member: 13”]Hi,
We have developed a feature to make a software inventory. Although we use “FOG 0.30” (it’s a chimera between 0.30, 0.32 and 0.33 :)) I think is possible to implement quickly into FOG 0.33.
The feature works in this way:
1º) When you upload an image, the fog script import some windows registry keys ( only on Windows XP and W7, i don’t test it in W8).
2º) Before the end of the upload process, a new web service process the different registry files and insert the program data in DB (Program Name, Version, uninstall Path, …) and link this inventory to the image ID.
3º) The web service insert into History table a little log: which image Name and ID, from which computer and software inventory Version. When you upload a new image version, a new sofware inventory version is created.
Example: Inventario de software ( [B]ver 18[/B] ) añadido a la imagen [B]aula-bz-ingenieros-p0b14-docencia[/B] desde [B]u001022[/B]
You can see that is the 18º version, image name "aula-bz-ingenieros-p0b14-docencia[B] " [/B]and from computer name u001022
4º) when you download a image to one computer, the web service (Post_stage3.php) logs in DB which software version is downloading.
Example: Imagen aula-bz-rectorado-cpd-windows7Duado (version 1) volcada en equipo u001022
Image name “aula-bz-rectorado-cpd-windows7Duado”, version 1 and to u001022
5º) You can consult the diffent software versions by one report.[ATTACH]279[/ATTACH][ATTACH]280[/ATTACH][ATTACH]281[/ATTACH][/quote]
I’d love to get this included if you’ve got a chance to go over what code you had to add. I can add this to FOG 1.x.x relatively easily I imagine. Create a Report page for it and even it’s own management page as necessary.
This would a be beautiful feature!