not able to download new kernel
@Bigredcherokee Please post a picture of your settings (FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> TFTP Server).
@sebastian-roth Its not empty.
This section allows you to update the Linux kernel which is used to boot the client computers. In FOG, this kernel holds all the drivers for the client computer, so if you are unable to boot a client you may wish to update to a newer kernel which may have more drivers built in. This installation process may take a few minutes, as FOG will attempt to go out to the internet to get the requested Kernel, so if it seems like the process is hanging please be patient.
Unable to contact server <----- I need to fix this. I’ve checked DNS and can ping & nslookup google & sourceforge.
@bigredcherokee said in not able to download new kernel:
Message: ftp_connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known, Host: , Username: fog
Clearly seems the host string is empty. Please check your settings in the web UI -> FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> TFTP Server -> TFTP HOST. My guess it’s empty. Should hold the IP address of your FOG server though.
@developers ideas? I’ve not seen this error before.
Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty and fog version 1.4.4
@bigredcherokee Fog version? OS of the FOG Server?