Dell Optiplex 7050's
Sorry I posted the wrong link to the BIOS Version but I did flash the BIOS on the system and upgrade to 1.5.2. Still did not resolve the issue.
@msaglioc99 What version of FOG are you on?
@themcv 1.5.0-RC-9 But I previously had issues with the version of fog before this. 1.4.4.
@msaglioc99 Are you doing them in UEFI or Legacy?
I am using LEGACY with Secure boot Disabled.
@msaglioc99 Weird, same.
Okay, let’s get in a bit closer. Do other machines on that same switch have any issues being inventoried by FOG?
@themcv said in Dell Optiplex 7050's:
y, let’s get in a bit closer. Do other machines on that
No I am able to image and register other machines, and computer models. I only run into this issue with Dell Optiplex 7050’s.
What error does it give you specifically?
@msaglioc99 clear screen shots of the error are always helpful to set the context of the error.
The Error is different every time. I will try and generate a couple of different scenarios. I’ve seen about 3 different Errors. Sometimes the screen comes up and lets me do the registration process but when I get to the end to enter the FOG GUI password it starts to write the password in plan text and just glitches out. Give me sometime to post screenshots.
Anymore ideas?
@msaglioc99 Can you still get the screenshots? : )
As I said it is very random and I get a different error ever time only with the 7050’s though. I have on issues with other computer models. Here are some of the errors I am encountering.

It’s very strange… I can’t figure out why I’m only having issues with this model computer…
Here’s also another example of when I try to image a Optiplex 7050 at the end of registration if I want to image it now it asks me to enter my username and password for the FOG GUI. On the other machines it would usually show the username and keep the password secure (not showing the text) but as you can see here it writes in plan text and never officially registers the device just continues to let me write in plain text. There’s some kind of communication between the 7050’s and the FOG Server. They aren’t talking properly for some reason. -
@msaglioc99 Ok, the pictures always show (in different situations) where it tries to communicate to the server. So I guess there is something wrong with the network - be it the NIC, the cable, the switch, Spanning Tree settings, Ethernet Energy Efficiency settings or maybe even a couple of things playing a role. So please try those steps:
- connect that laptop to a different port on the switch where you know another machine registers fine from
- borrow a dumb unmanaged mini switch from somewhere and connect the client to that instead of straight to the network
- use new patch cables!
@sebastian-roth Okay so I’ve connected the Optiplex 7050 to a port I was able to successfully image a 7040 on using the same port, and patch cable. This is also using an un-managed switch and I verified the spanning tree setting is enable. I am still receiving the same result. Are there any settings I should be checking on the machine itself?
@msaglioc99 Just to confirm, this is all 7050s and not just this one?
I’ve been testing this on two different 7050’s one with the BIOS updated 1.5.2 and one on 1.4.4 I can pull a third machine in if you would like? I have a whole stock room filled with them.