@ryanlewis2010 Do I get this right? You say the printer assignment done in the FOG web UI magically vanishes after a random time (1-30 minutes)?? Sounds really strange. I don’t think I have ever seen this happen.
The assignments are simple database entries and there is no specific FOG log you can look at I think. But you can enable MySQL/MariaDB logging and try to figure out why this is happening. Will still be hard to find out what is causing this even if you see it in the logs.
Do you use the FOG API by any chance? Some kind of scripting to automate FOG stuff?
If not it’s probably best to manually check the database tables on your FOG server:
shell> mysql -u root
mysql> use fog;
mysql> SELECT * FROM printerAssoc WHERE paPrinterID NOT IN (SELECT pID FROM printers);
mysql> SELECT * FROM printerAssoc WHERE paHostID NOT IN (SELECT hostID FROM hosts);
The later two (select) queries should return an empty result set. If you get results it means that there are assignments still in the database for hosts or printers that do not exist anymore. While this is not a problem in general it would still be wise to clean that up.
Now you can start looking a a certain host having printers assigned by: SELECT * FROM printerAssoc WHERE paHostID=123456 (put in the host ID you see in the FOG web UI (parameter in the URL when editing this host)
See if the assignment is in the database compared to what you see in the web UI.