Ok at least Tom and I have gotten down to the issue at hand. The machine would get an ipaddress in ipxe but when it came to booting the machine in busybox(bzimage32, init_32) it didn’t get an ip address. Eth0 was there and active just no ip address. After some time we figured out that these machines could not use the sleep command. (Weird I know) Alas, Tom used usleep and it worked like a charm.
THUS why nfs would not mount. B/C the machine didn’t have an ip address it couldn’t get out to even talk to the fog server for the mount to occur.
Now we are looking a the HDD is not detected but passes in compatibility and the partition information is all there. Machine still boots into windows. Again some issue with the bzimage32, init_32 ???
Just wanted to throw an update out there for your 32-bit processor junkies!