Alright, I’m not going to upload with the group attachment. The reason being that I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how it’s adding/modifying groups. I’ll look further and post when I’ve finally figured it out.
Posts made by Tom Elliott
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
Found a small issue in the group management system. There is no submenu to create a new group. So I added it.
The modified file is in:
I will update the tarball, if you’ve already downloaded, just redownload and you’ll be able to create groups. Now I just need to find out how to add a host to the group.
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 14251, member: 7271”]Alright, alright,
So apparently I’m too dedicated to getting this out there. I’ve copied all the changed files to the trunk system. Removed all the .svn folders for compactability. Added the bzImage kernel 3.10.6 and my modified init.gz file.
All web pages should be modified.
Link to download the new tarball is:
Download the file, extract with:
tar -xjf fog_0.33b.tar.bz2
Then install like you normally would. I didn’t copy any of my configuration files so there should be no information pertaining to my system. Hopefully this helps you falko, and whomever else decides to download.[/quote]
Also, if you decide to use wget to obtain the file use the command:
wget --no-check-certificate [url][/url]
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
Alright, alright,
So apparently I’m too dedicated to getting this out there. I’ve copied all the changed files to the trunk system. Removed all the .svn folders for compactability. Added the bzImage kernel 3.10.6 and my modified init.gz file.
All web pages should be modified.
Link to download the new tarball is:
Download the file, extract with:
tar -xjf fog_0.33b.tar.bz2
Then install like you normally would. I didn’t copy any of my configuration files so there should be no information pertaining to my system. Hopefully this helps you falko, and whomever else decides to download.
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
You want, I can try to rebuild the tarball and post it on my website for download. It’ll need some adjusting for you particular setup, but other than that you should be good? All I’d really have to do is delete the original packages/web directory and place mine in there!. Maybe add my init.gz file to the proper area as well so we don’t have the fog registration system asking you for osID of the host.
Let me know, and I can probably have it up and ready to download by Friday Evening-ish time frame. (I’m on -5hr GMT) So right now it’s about 4:30 PM/1630 EDT or 8:30 PM/2030 GMT.
RE: I don't appear to be the group manager error
check the file: /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php file. make sure your database information is filled in. Then restart the three fog files in /etc/init.d by simply typing
for i in
ls /etc/init.d/FOG*
; do $i restart; doneYou should no longer have the error.
RE: Asus m51ac
Have to had any luck now? Like I stated earlier, don’t try to unzip the bzImage as you’re downloading it exactly as it will be staged on your fog server.
RE: Host registration: hdparm: ioctl 0x304 failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
What, else, have you tried? Have you tried alternative kernels? Have you tried debug mode to see if you can find an issue specific to network or hard drives? It isn’t just going to be configuration. There are many different things that could be the cause of the problem.
RE: Host registration: hdparm: ioctl 0x304 failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
There are a few options that you should look into other than configuration. I just know, for my setup, if I don’t have the trailing slash, it causes the same type of issue. The other things to look into would be the Network itself. Make sure that the path to the router/switch is relative free of collisions and/or broadcasts. Things that seem to affect the network adversely are Devices that use broadcast messages to communicate such as Apple’s Bonjour service (iPads, iPhones, iPods, Airplay) especially if they’re setup to communicate wireless to another endpoint. Also check your kernel and make sure it’s not a driver issue. If fog can’t recognize your network card, it would also give this issue. I would almost point out that it could be the hard drive setup as well. Though the kernel’s I use seem to be able to work on AHCI mode, maybe the kernel you’re using can’t recognize it. Does the system recognize a hard-drive (/dev/sda, /dev/hda, etc…)?
Also, start small to help in troubleshooting. Try just emplacing a single router or switch to the host you’re trying to image and the fog server. This will help you troubleshoot whether it’s a network issue, or a driver issue.
Thank you,
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
Fixed the kernel update system. Just needed a pointed function to do the update.
First things first. Make a copy of the fog.about.kernel.js file and save it as name fog.about.kernel-update.js in {fogwebdir}/management/js
Then copy the FOGConfigurationPage.class.php file to
{fogwebdir}/lib/pagesYou should now be able to update your kernel using the FOG Web GUI.
RE: Updating kernel
Okay, try this php file. I’ll have it posted on The .33 tracker as well.
This file will go into either:
Unless you have specified a more customized location.
If your web server is separate from the tftp server, the error is gone, but the download and transfer will fail.
the js file needs to added to allow for the page to load under the new classes to actually download and transfer the file.
just a simple:
cp {fogwebdir}/management/js/fog.about.kernel.js {fogwebdir}/management/js/fog.about.kernel-update.js
will do.
Hopefully this helps.
RE: Having issue with connecting to MYSQL database
Also, make sure rpcbind and nfs services are running. Through more searching, it sounds like it could be the NFS service isn’t running. Try running:
/etc/init.d/nfs restart
If it fails, check your rpcbind service and make sure it’s running.
Your commands may vary differently based on the OS you’re running the fog server from.
RE: Having issue with connecting to MYSQL database
Here’s something you could try as well. I never needed to do it, but while reviewing information within these forums, I came across an option for Windows XP maintaining Multiple Partition images. Maybe try using FOGprep on the master system, then re-upload and see if that helps you out. Otherwise, you could use the Single Partition, Resizable option as well.
RE: Updating kernel
I know this particular forum hasn’t had any input for a while, but I’m going to try taking a look at this from the GUI as, from what I can tell, the code base does exist in the class files, but the call to it is just a name sub=kernel, but the methods call this as kernel-update. I’ll try to post something in the 0.33 Bugs page as that’s where I’ve been placing any of the code change files for pretty much the rest of the GUI.
It will be a few days probably but hopefully we can manage until then.
P.S. I’m guessing you’re referring to FOG 0.33b having this issue?
RE: Having issue with connecting to MYSQL database
For windows xp, try using the single partition resizable option. I never had luck with it writing with multiple partition single disk non-resizable on Xp machines.
RE: Having issue with connecting to MYSQL database
Are you good with Linux commands?
I’d check the /images directory and make sure the .mntcheck files are in in both the /images and /images/dev folders. If their not there, type:
touch /images/.mntcheck; touch /images/dev/.mntcheck; chmod -R 777 /images
Then try again. See if that helps you out. To check if you have the files, you’ll need to type:
cd /images; ls -a
Then verify that you see the file. the files with a period in front -> . of the name are hidden otherwise.
Also, just verify the permissions of the directory are 777. Though I’m sure we could refine this as necessary, for now, start small and simple. Just perform:
chmod -R 777 /images just to make sure any system on the network can read and write to the directory. Normally the installation does this for you, but you never know.
RE: Boot LTSP from FOG
[quote=“darkapec, post: 14184, member: 11250”]Are you saying I should leave [CODE] ltsp/i386/boot/vmlinuz[/CODE] completely out or does that need to be replaced by something else?[/quote]
Yes, I think Your menu option should look like this:
KERNEL ltsp/i386/boot/linux.c32
APPEND initrd=ltsp/i386/boot/initrd.img ro quiet splash[/FONT]
[FONT=Consolas] [/FONT]
[FONT=Consolas]If that still doesn’t work, try:[/FONT]
KERNEL ltsp/i386/boot/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=ltsp/i386/boot/initrd.img ro quiet splash[/FONT] -
RE: Call to undefined method Group::addMember
Try changing the line 210 to:
$this->Group->addMember( $host );
Maybe this will help as the Group class appears to contain the addMember method.
If that doesn’t work, try:
$Group->addMember ($host);
I’m not running 0.32 so I can’t be a good tester for this! Sorry.
and if the variables really need to be adjusted for try:
$group = $this->Group->addMember( $host ); or
$group = $Group->addMember( $host );Also, if The storage group is having the same type of issue try:
$storagegroup = $this->StorageGroup->addMember( $sn ); or
$storagegroup = $StorageGroup->addMember( $sn ); or
$this->StorageGroup->addMember( $sn ); or
$StorageGroup->addMember( $sn );I know this is a lot, but it’s the best advice I can give.
RE: Call to undefined method Group::addMember
As it states, addMember() is an undefined method, where is addMember defined within the FOGCore.class.php? I can’t find it and does the same issue occur For Storage group?
[FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000][RIGHT]286[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000] $storagegroup->addMember( $sn );[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000][RIGHT]210[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000] $group->addMember( $host );[/COLOR][/FONT]Both of these lines call for the same method, but the method doesn’t actually exist within FOGCore.class.php. I’ll download the tar and see if I can find the method to help with the troubleshooting of this.
[FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]B[/COLOR][/FONT] -
RE: Having issue with connecting to MYSQL database
If what you say is correct, do you have an uploaded image for the system you’re trying to image? If not, can you take an image that you’ve already uploaded and assign to the system you want to image and image it that way? This will let you know if it’s solely because you don’t have an actual image with the name you’re attempting to setup.
Again, I’m sorry if I’m missing anything. Not being there to help kind of hinders the troubleshooting steps I can perform and suggest.