@sebastian-roth my colleague made me a joke by activating a second dhcp on a 4G terminal …
ty for answser
@sebastian-roth my colleague made me a joke by activating a second dhcp on a 4G terminal …
ty for answser
I currently have a problem since the 1.5.9 update rollout the tftpboot no longer works in legacy and also in UEFI, I do not know how to solve the problem I had already seen on the old versions the reboot of the services but this does not work.
You have any idea i take
I managed to deploy!
but in debug mode.
I create an image in debug mode, then deploy in debug mode.
the default does not work:
error during deployment:
I also noticed an error on Ubuntu 13.10:
I jpgraph does not work properly. that is to say, no visible graphic.
big thank!
So if I understand well, I do “sudo …” and then redefined the passwords in:
"Storage Management-> <The storage node> -> Management Username and Password Management
restart my task.
but if that does not work, I can do it by hand? with “mv”?
for example:
My images HPWindows7Ubuntu1310
and there currently in
I can move through
[CODE]sudo mv images/dev/PC_MAC/Images_MAC_PC.000 /images/HPWindows7Ubuntu1310[/CODE]
in conditions DD shows me “in record, record out.”
I could then turn off the computer and go to the web interface to close the task.
i add in /etc/exports
/images 172.30.105.,(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure)
/images/dev 172.30.105.,(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)
and restart nfs-kernel-server
now i have
-permission denied
-bad file descriptor…
… error Connection refused is clear
if i use the fog task DD … dd copy the works …
But how when he tells us “4546654.01 record in and out record” is made
Complete for the task? I should restart? but it will restart and repeat the task?
ok i try tomorrow
Heu Is it possible that there is a conflict between samba server ?
i can’t mount the NFS. Help me plz!
With the mod Debug Upload
With the mod upload
I try :
DD if =/dev/sda of=/windowsubuntu BS=4096 conv=noerror,notrunc
DD :writing … No space left on device
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
hi, j’ai juste installer linux avec une partition ext4 pour pouvoir faire un fichier d’échange “file.swap” donc pas de partition d’échange…
Problème il n’y a pas d’upload possible c’est-à-dire qu’il fait la tache en 2 seconde car il ne l’envoie pas…
(Multi Partition - Single Disk ) + Linux (50) (j’ai même du utilisé la commande FSCK pour réparer le disque quand j’était en ext3 car il ne voulais pas l’envoyer.)
(je suis sur FOG r974) je n’est pas installer de kernel. dans 2 semaine j’utilise le recours de la commande DD.
toujours aucun problème avec windows