I’m just going to reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 followed by creating a timeshift restore point pre 1.5.7 fog installation.
Could you point me to an updated install guide?
Thank you for your help.
I’m just going to reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 followed by creating a timeshift restore point pre 1.5.7 fog installation.
Could you point me to an updated install guide?
Thank you for your help.
Here’s what I got after running those commands. You’re not going to hurt my feelings if you suggest I remove or default mysql and associated users
Thank you for your help.
Hi Sebastian,
Is “password” in red supposed to be my password or is password the password?
I’ve attempted to install 1.5.7, 1.5.8 (fog_stable at time of posting), and dev_branch. 1.5.7 and 1.5.8 gave me issue with SSL CA.
Upon reading the forms it was recommend I try installing dev_branch as others had success at this point in the installation. dev_branch gave me issue at installation with mysql.
Original install status
Issues with SSL CA
Issues at mysql portion of install. Fail to login.
Interestingly, having run all installations one after It seems dev_branch did fix SSL CA. However, now all installations complain about mysql root user’s password. Mysql’s root pass was set manually, however I’ve always left this blank in other installations. as root I cannot login with the password I set. Very strange, I’m hoping I missed something Below are specs of this server
Host info:
Static hostname: FOG01
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: 963549a897194de18043780fb842385c
Boot ID: 21253c11aafb491c88c030e766f1f8c2
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-45-generic
Architecture: x86-64
Two nics
Thank you in advance for your help!
@Sebastian-Roth Understood. Sorry. I will make a new thread.
@Sebastian-Roth I hit send to quickly…
For new installs I usually leave the mysql db area “blank” but I wasn’t given the option this time.
I’ve manually set a root password for mysql. However, mysql -u root - p doesn’t allow me to log in. Then upon entering mysql root pass it fails reporting bad password.
Hello Sebastian I’m afraid there’s not much there. It reports exactly what I saw during the install which was this: .
Hello Sebastian,
Here’s my hostctl:
Machine ID: 963549a897194de18043780fb842385c
Boot ID: 21253c11aafb491c88c030e766f1f8c2
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-45-generic
Architecture: x86-64
I have another ubuntu 16.04.6 instllation on 1.5.7 which installed without issue. I’m thinking perhaps ubuntu changed something in their repos during the update process?
I’d like to stay on 1.5.7 for systems coherence.
Thank you
@Zaairo Hello,
Same issue- I was trying to install 1.5.8 and I got:
Went down to 1.5.7 and got the same thing. I don’t recall having issues on my other 1.5.7 server.
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 27735, member: 21583”]oh, sorry, i forgot that hooks were broken in 1.0.1
i am running svn release 1710. hooks are fixed in 1702 and what i described will work in the next official 1.x.x release of fog along with a few other bug fixes[/quote]
Oh, lol no problem. Can’t wait
[quote=“Wolfbane8653, post: 27733, member: 3362”]you did do a…
cd /var/www/fog/lib/hooks/
sudo nano AddHostSerial.hook.php
sudo nano AddHostModel.hook.php[/CODE]
Thats what i needed to execute to save the files.[/quote]
You mean did I use sudo? Yes, of course but it wasn’t necessary for the installation directory because I’m logged in with the “fog” user. I had to for the /var/www directory because the owner/group is www-data.
Just to be sure, what permissions are set in /var/www/fog/lib/hooks for you?
That didn’t seem to work for me. Is there a service I should restart to take affect?
I made the changes from the installation directory as well as the web directory. Permissions in /var/www/fog/lib/hooks for .php files are 644, owner and group are both www-data. Install folder in documents is 664. Owner and group are fog. Permissions?
Another suggestion that is sort of related to this is adding another value in the Host Management column, such as chassis Asset or system serial number. With most retail PCs they have these values listed on the chassis itself, while the MAC address is not. Having the serial right in your face makes it much easier to physically track down a PC.
If anyone has done this before, I’d like to know
FOG 1.0.1
Ubuntu 14.04
[quote=“JimW, post: 23671, member: 15518”]Yes, sorry, kernel 3.8.8 worked fine.[/quote]
Yes, it sure did! Thanks!
[quote=“JimW, post: 18405, member: 15518”]So I’m an idiot, and I’m sorry for wasting your time. I was using the “client system information” option from the FOG menu to test with… which was still set to use our old pre-3.8.8 kernel version. Somehow I had it in my head that changing the kernel path in the web UI would magically change the settings in the menu. Duh. Sorry about that. I kicked off an upload task so the client would actually use 3.8.8 and it’s working fine.
So yeah, I can confirm now that both the SFF and TWR form factors of the HP EliteDesk 800 G1 work like a champ with 0.32 / kernel 3.8.8, even with USB 3.0 enabled and devices plugged into the 3.0 ports.
Madayem, feel free to edit your initial post with this info so people don’t have to slog through my idiocy.
Color me embarrassed.[/quote]
I have a HP 600 G1 that is hanging on the same point (for upload, and Client system information). Can you please clarify what was the fix for this?