[quote=“Frode Woldsund, post: 36206, member: 19014”]We finaly found a solution to our problem:
In Summary
Step 1: WebGui: Basic tasks -> Advanced tasks -> Upload - Debug
Step 2: run “fixparts” in the command prompt and type in “/dev/sda”(my harddisk) “y”(confirm) “w”(write mbr)
Step 3: Shutdown computer
Step 4: WebGui: Basic tasks -> Upload
Step 5: Restart pc and watch the magic happand
Hope this will help any other with same problem.
And to you developers; Isn’t this something that automaticly could be detected by FOG, and user could be prompted to delete the “GPT” stuff?[/quote]
It isn’t something that could automatically be detected. Yes, we can detect whether or not a drive contain’s GPT information, and Yes, we could prompt users that this is occurring. That said, the reason we can’t automatically detect if GPT is in use is because we actually do support GPT disks as well. One of the re-occurring issues with GPT is that it’s not very friendly when switching from GPT to MBR style partitioning. I can’t make any guesses that all disks are SUPPOSED to be MBR because this may not be the case.