I am running the latest version of Fog (1.2.0) in Kubuntu. Right now I am running it within Virtualbox to use this as a proof of concept and I will eventually build this out into a proper VM in prod. This AM when I came into the office after running an image upload overnight my FOG server would not longer allow a login. When I navigated to the site I got re-directed to the following URL:
I then found out that after this issue occured my VM had a major issue and I couldn’t even get into the Konsole or past what appeared to be nearly a blank screen.
Realizing that I was SOL I wanted to start looking up way of restoring images. I have determined that the VDI where the images are stored is readable and I should be able to extract them. I wanted to know if anyone had any experience in restoring images from nothing more than files and folders in FOG.
My idea thus far is to re-crate a DB entry for the various images I lost with the same name as before and then simply copy the known working images into the Images folder in my new and working install of FOG.