Sorry yes i am using Location Plugin
Do i need to disable it?
Also using
Plugin Base system for access controls.
Sorry yes i am using Location Plugin
Do i need to disable it?
Also using
Plugin Base system for access controls.
@Raymond-Bell said:
Yes credentials are fine because i ftp to one node and download image then have to ftp to the other node and upload…
I have also test ftp connection on both storage nodes and have turned off FireWall on both
Yes credentials are fine because i ftp to one node and download image then have to ftp to the other node and upload…
I am unable to get the Fog Nodes to sync.
Is there a way to test this?
Ubuntu 12.04 Fog 1.2.0
Also looked for search feature in new forums and could not locate it…
sorry for the dumb question, but where is that located… Very new to FOG
I just upgrade to 1.2 and one of the nodes was out of space was my issue
Now my issue is that i have upgraded i am only able to image 4 PC’s at a time where before i was able to do 10 or more
i did restore the Fog VM on a different datastore
and yes the fog server is set for the master node
like i said i am able to deploy a image
i am able to reg and add a PC to inventory using PXE boot
i can see all inventory pc and printers
i am just unable to upload a new image to the nodes
and i am new to fog so i hope this helps
We are running FOG .32 on ESXi VM
i had to restore the VM (Virtual Machine)
Now i get this error when trying to upload a new image
Unable to start task
Unable to located master node from storage group.
I am able to image a pc but not able to take a image from a pc