I have gotten FOG up and running fine. Now the only issue I am seeing is hostname changes. For one machine is seems to work like a champ (Dell OP 7010) the next machine I do, it never renames the machine but adds it to the domain and reboots over and over until I manually change the name on the PC itself.
I am wondering if this has anything to do with the way I am making the image and if there is a SID key or something of the like in the FOG client causing this issue. I install the client in the image before sysprep then run sysprep and shutdown the machine. I then upload that image to the FOG server for deployment so when imaging it starts up in OOBE mode and go through the Unattend,xml file. Everything seems to be fine until it comes to renaming machines after I do the first one.
I see nothing in the event viewer that I can discern is a problem. I also see in the FOG client where it sees the computer name is wrong and wants to rename it and sets a reboot task. This happens over and over. Any help would be appreciated. I am running through the steps this morning to have fresh event logs and FOG client logs in case I am asked for them.