- FOG Version: 1.3.5-RC-2
- OS: centos-7
Manually creating new host in the Host management, directing me to an unknown page.
I didnt see a fix mentioning about this in the newer versions, so I didnt try to update to last git.
Manually creating new host in the Host management, directing me to an unknown page.
I didnt see a fix mentioning about this in the newer versions, so I didnt try to update to last git.
im trying to capture an image i already captured, just for testing, I left it all night and it didnt continued…
I also updated to the latest kernel: 4.7.3.
Im sure about the settings i set for the new image, since its the same as the image settings that already deployed to the machine.
any help?
Thank you Wayne and Tom for your replies.
I guess i didnt understand the idea of snapins, anyway, now I do.
Eventually, I solved the problem with creating a new path to the sanpins.
Regardless of this problem, I have another one now.
I just noticed that since updating to 1.3.0-RC-10, I cant capture any machine.
The progress is stuck on the client, like this:
im trying to capture an image i already captured, just for testing, I left it all night and it didnt continued…
Im sure about the settings i set for the new image, since its the same as the image settings that already deployed to the machine.
Should I post a new topic about this or wait here for help?
Hey Tom!
do u mean the Storage node?
i have only the default, and it look ok:
do you mean “who” is the owner of the folder?
this is how it looks like through winscp:
do u mean setting permission in /opt/fog/snapins to 777 ?
i did that too…didnt work
First of all, thank you very much for this project!
finally a cloning solution that works, and really easy to manage. YOU ROCK!
Well, Im trying to add snap-in (just a test snap-in for now) of a batch file.
This snap-in will just open google chrome on the target workstations and nothing else.
When Im trying to add the snap-in i get an error “Failed to add snapin, unable to locate snapin directory.”
I searched to that online, and saw some comments says to update fog.
I just updated fog to 1.3-RC10 - didnt fixed it.
I saw about checking all the ftp credentials - did that, and still the same. (According to this link -
I havent seen anything else online, so Im asking here for help.
tnx again,
i looked for /opt/fog/.fogsettings and changed the password the for fog user to the password i set before the update.
After that, re-runed the installer - seems to fix the problem.
hey guys,
since i have update fog server to 1.3-RC10 im getting an error while capturing.
the task is looking fine but after finished it returnes this errors:
Updating Database…Failed
could not complete tasking (/bin/fog.upload)
I can see the image under a folder called /images/dev with the computer mac address, but not in the actual folder is supposed to be.
SVN Revision: 5955
tnx for helping
i tried another way and solved it.
installed grab4dos on the hard drive and set up a menu that will grab and boot thinstation.iso.
captured it as a linux image, and deployed with no problems!
hey George
i installed the os using DOS partition, through computer management in winpe.
so the thing is that i need to install it with another way?
maybe can u guide me how to install thinstation using the “linux way” ?
a link will do just fine, i just dont really know what to search for this…
hey george,
tnx for the quick reply.
first of all ill answer question 4:
im trying to deploy compiled os.
i know that installing it on a local hard drive is not the best way to do it.
i already set up pxe boot for this image (with some help from fog project) , but i still want a backup plan, so the users can work if the tftp/httpd services will fail.
format c: /q /fs:NTFS /v:Thinstation
syslinux64.exe -i -f c:
md c:\boot
xcopy boot c:\boot /s
no need for a screen shot here, its just a dos ‘like’ screen says “boot error”.
I hope i gave you enough information about whats going on here
i just want to say that using the old way with this script is working good, no problems at all, its just a slow and uncomfortable way to work, thats why i use fog.
finally got fog on centos 7, captured and deployed some win 7 images, sucssessfuly.
we have some users who are using linux-based os, which i can capture, and deploy.
although, when i boot a pc after the deploy task is finished, i have a black screen says “boot error”.
i have tried a lot of combinations at the “image management” for this image.
i didnt try sector by sector image type, its just not a solution for me, cause it too slow.
the os im trying to deploy called “thinstation” (linux-based), which i insatlled on the hardrive with a script using syslinux.exe
any help?