1.3-RC10 - capture faild to update database
hey guys,
since i have update fog server to 1.3-RC10 im getting an error while capturing.
the task is looking fine but after finished it returnes this errors:Updating Database…Failed
could not complete tasking (/bin/fog.upload)I can see the image under a folder called /images/dev with the computer mac address, but not in the actual folder is supposed to be.
SVN Revision: 5955
tnx for helping
niv -
This can be caused by FTP credentials, but this should be correct after updating to rc-10. Try to re-run the installer and then immediately try again (do not make adjustments to anything, just immediately try). Let us know if it works, and we’ll go from there.
i looked for /opt/fog/.fogsettings and changed the password the for fog user to the password i set before the update.
After that, re-runed the installer - seems to fix the problem.tnx