I have the impression this issue has something to do with DHCP server in the gateway competing with proxydhcp in the fog server.
I have updated DHCP settings in Unifi to allow / block DHCP traffic (DHCP Guarding). I have included FOG’s dhcppxory address and seems to be working ok now.
I was able to find a work around after running into this issue. In FOG Settings under TFTP Server update the “TFTP PXE KERNAL 32” to bzImage and “PXE BOOT IMAGE” to init.xz. I was able get thing working after that.
@lperoma Thanks for the update. Good to hear you found this and were able to fix it. Well done! This is beyond FOG itself and it would have taken a lot of posting forth and back to figure this out for us. Although I don’t know much about virtiofs I can imagine it causing problems when being exported as NFS (as FOG does).
If I recall correctly the Acrobat exe installer has an MSI baked inside of it.
There is two ways to grab the MSI.
7zip will sometimes open self extracting installers so you can grab the contents.
Launch the .exe program but stop at the eula, possibly one later question. Then go to your temp directory The contents of the installer should be in a guid named directory in your temp. The alternate location might be in ProgramData\adobe path.