Fog migration
Dear all,
I managed to migrate a FOG installation that had been running on a host with little or no problems for a good few years.
I managed to install and migrate database, all seems OK. DNS server A records for both fog and fogserver have been updated.
Also moved /opt/fog/snapins on to new system, but kept the newly installed /opt/fog/snapins/ssl directory.
Image deployment is working fine - or looks like so, client installation seems okay too (had a couple of “Can not install CA certificates” but not any more)
IP address / passwords have been updated as per the “Fix IP Addresses, Passwords, and Interface on new server” profedure.
However most clients show a red exclamation mark, a few show green.
I don’t seem to be able to send snapins of say shut down a host, unless I reinstall the client, then yes things seem to go back to normal.
Is there anything I am missing ?
@lperoma said in Fog migration:
Is there anything I am missing ?
Yes, hit "Reset Encryption Data in the FOG web UI for clients not working.
@sebastian-roth Thanks Sebastian! That solved all issues!