@gn_ro Hi and thanks,
You have solve my problem, disk was already in thick mode but i change the NIC and capture going to the end.
So thanks again, have a good day.
@gn_ro Hi and thanks,
You have solve my problem, disk was already in thick mode but i change the NIC and capture going to the end.
So thanks again, have a good day.
@sebastian-roth Hi Sebastian, sorry for the time of response schools are closed (holidays) actually :-).
First time i see this error too, i tried to reboot the server but same issue.
Regards, have a good day.
@gn_ro Hi, sorry for the time of response schools are closed (holidays) actually :-).
Thanks for your answer, i will try this asap.
Have a good one.
I got 2 FOG server on 1.5.9 (Debian 9) for the 2 network school i manage. I use FOG since a while and got i got a few problems but this one is quite without precedent for me :-). Sorry by advance for my non perfect english.
Last issues i got on my servers was either on the beginning of a capture/deploy or at the end. This one is happening during the process of the capture, so the capture is beginning fine and then at a moment i got this :
And the task is not finished in the queue :
I tried with 2 differents VMs and got the same issue, then i tried to supress the image both on GUI and on the server make a new one with an another name but at the end the problem still here.
I felt that can be a space problem but like we see on next pictures all seems fine and i try to compress image at the maximum but issue still here too :
But something bothering me in the “Storage Group Activity” we can see 2 tasks queued but there are not tasks at all on the GUI.
Maybe this is the problem, some old tasks queued in a cache somewhere who making new capture bugging at some point. But i don’t know how to supress this 2 queued tasks from a cache.
EDIT: I specify that i captured/deployed an image recently but not the same one.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion, have a good day.
@sebastian-roth Thanks again for all the help.
Fresh install is fine, and client is updating well by GPO.
We can pass this to solved :-).
Have a good day, regards.
@sebastian-roth Well read this kinda too late …
At this moment, fog install is running on a fresh new install.
I will let you know if it’s good for me for client/server communication after.
Have a good day.
@sebastian-roth Hi again Sebastian, thanks again a lot for the time you spend to fix my issue …
Tried 2 things and get the same result/error :
-Deploy the fresh msi 0.12 client fog installer you download from Github by GPO :
04/12/2020 13:07 Client-Info Version: 0.11.16
04/12/2020 13:07 Client-Info OS: Windows
04/12/2020 13:07 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
04/12/2020 13:07 Controller Stop
04/12/2020 13:07 Service Stop requested
04/12/2020 13:07 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
04/12/2020 13:07 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le thread a été abandonné.
04/12/2020 13:07 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
04/12/2020 13:12:44 Main Overriding exception handling
04/12/2020 13:12:45 Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
04/12/2020 13:12:45 Controller Initialize
04/12/2020 13:12:45 Controller Start
04/12/2020 13:12:45 Service Starting service
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Bus Became bus server
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Client-Info OS: Windows
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Certificate validation failed
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Trust chain did not complete to the known authority anchor. Errors: La signature du certificat ne peut pas être vérifiée. (NotSignatureValid)
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Certificate is not from FOG CA
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Client-Info OS: Windows
04/12/2020 13:12:50 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Certificate validation failed
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Trust chain did not complete to the known authority anchor. Errors: La signature du certificat ne peut pas être vérifiée. (NotSignatureValid)
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Certificate is not from FOG CA
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Client-Info OS: Windows
04/12/2020 13:14:50 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Certificate validation failed
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Data::RSA ERROR: Trust chain did not complete to the known authority anchor. Errors: La signature du certificat ne peut pas être vérifiée. (NotSignatureValid)
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Certificate is not from FOG CA
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Client-Info OS: Windows
04/12/2020 13:16:50 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
As you see, the GPO is working great as the version is update after a reboot but we got that certificate error
You have already spend many times on my issue so i don’t want to busy you more …
I assume that my problem is when i tried to copy old “/opt/snapins/ssl” repository to the new one.
So if i install a new server from start without copying nothing, the client downloaded from the new server will work fine so i will deploy this client on my all network by GPO.
Am i right ?
Have a good day, regards.
@sebastian-roth Ok i see, this a screenshot of the things:
On the left, backup from the old Ubuntu server who is deleted
On the right the actual server.
Actually i see that he new server miss the .srvprivate.key file. But if i copy this one it will works ? This file come from the old server so i don’t know
Important thing to note too is that the CA directory is empty on the new one and have 3 files and the old one :
So there are two questions :
If i copy the .srvprivate.key file and the 4 file i nthe CA directory, it will works ?
Is there a way to relaunch the installation on the server without delete configurations and data (images, hosts, etc…) but with renitialize the certification ?
@sebastian-roth Got this with the command, not sure is a good thing :
root@SRV-IMAGE:/home/administrateur# openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -md5 -in /opt/fog/snapins/ssl/CA/.fogCA.pem
MD5 Fingerprint=59:28:75:0D:E3:95:B7:93:2E:9C:20:F2:67:3F:EF:70
root@SRV-IMAGE:/home/administrateur# openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -md5 -in /var/www/html/fog/management/other/ca.cert.pem
MD5 Fingerprint=59:28:75:0D:E3:95:B7:93:2E:9C:20:F2:67:3F:EF:70
root@SRV-IMAGE:/home/administrateur# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in /var/www/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt | openssl md5
(stdin)= 0a10916be9139c568a8450b82b70bb27
root@SRV-IMAGE:/home/administrateur# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in /opt/fog/snapins/ssl/.srvprivate.key | openssl md5
(stdin)= bb94e9a98c8319baf8e365174cdb262c
root@SRV-IMAGE:/home/administrateur# openssl verify -verbose -CAfile /opt/fog/snapins/ssl/CA/.fogCA.pem /var/www/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
/var/www/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt: OK
I manage another school network, FOG is 1.5.9 too on a Debian 9. I checked clients on this network and all seems ok for communication. Is there any way this server can help us ?
@sebastian-roth “Did you copy this backup of the certificate, key and CA of your old server to the new install at some point yet?”
To answer to this point i tried with WinScp from a Windows Server but i have some permissions errors then i don’t try again. I checked file versions and it seems to me that files in this directory was the one created during the installation and not the files of the old one.
I try commands and feedback very soon.
Have a good day, regards.
@sebastian-roth Thanks for the answer, actually it’s a fresh new install on a Debian 10.6. I had to delete old FOG server after backup images/hosts/groups because we don’t have enough space on our SAN to have two at the same time (1 tera octects of images).
I just backup the /opt/fog/snapins/ssl directory of the old one in case of certificate client/server issues :-).
So no clients is working fine at this moment.
On the client i got one “FOG Server CA”, “FOG Project CA” & “FOG Project” certificate.
Have a good one, regards
@sebastian-roth Just deploy a image on a another pc. In this image i installed fog client with smart installer with the ip address of the server.
That is what i have in the fog.log
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:50:26 Service Sleeping for 89 seconds
01/12/2020 12:51:55 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:51:55 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:51:55 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:51:55 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Service Creating user agent cache
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:52:26 Service Sleeping for 82 seconds
01/12/2020 12:53:48 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:53:48 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:53:48 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:53:48 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Service Creating user agent cache
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 12:54:26 Service Sleeping for 67 seconds
01/12/2020 12:55:33 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:55:33 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 12:55:33 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 12:55:33 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
You are right, i assume the problem is here “01/12/2020 12:54:25 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server”
Is there a way to check manually this point of the communication ?
Or is there a way to reinitialize certification creation process on the server without modify anything else ?
@sebastian-roth Just testing this :
And got his in the fog.log just after
01/12/2020 10:51:57 Service Starting service
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Bus Became bus server
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 10:51:58 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 10:53:58 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
@sebastian-roth I’m not sure of what is calling external tools with FOG but we only use FOG as PXE/Image server on the network and our Domain Controller is the DHCP pointing Fog Server as PXE server.
I effectly see the DESKTOP-1210KMT in the pending host list, this one is the last fog.log i upload.
The first one, the who i delete the token.dat file is in the “normal” hosts list.
@sebastian-roth Just tested on another one :
Installed fog client with the smart installer and specified server ip address during installation and got this after starting FOGService :
01/12/2020 09:47:48 Service Starting service
01/12/2020 09:48:01 Bus Became bus server
01/12/2020 09:48:01 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
01/12/2020 09:48:01 Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
01/12/2020 09:48:02 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 09:48:02 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 09:48:02 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 09:48:02 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 09:48:03 Middleware::Response Invalid host
01/12/2020 09:48:04 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:48:06 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 09:48:06 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 09:48:06 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Response Invalid host
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 09:50:02 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Response Invalid host
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 09:52:02 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Response Invalid host
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 09:54:02 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Communication Download:
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Response Invalid host
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Communication URL:
01/12/2020 09:56:02 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
@littletux I tested two, i tried on a new one but i expect same results.
@sebastian-roth Hi Sebastiannd thanks for the quick answer :-).
I do the 3 steps and i got this in the fog.log after rebooting FOGService :
01/12/2020 08:31:04 Client-Info Version: 0.12.0
01/12/2020 08:31:04 Client-Info OS: Windows
01/12/2020 08:31:04 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Communication POST URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&authorize&newService
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&configure&newService&json
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&mac=EC:B1:D7:55:FD:05&newService&json
01/12/2020 08:33:04 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat' est introuvable.
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Communication POST URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&authorize&newService
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response Success
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/service/getversion.php?clientver&newService&json
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/service/getversion.php?newService&json
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Service Creating user agent cache
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
01/12/2020 08:35:04 Service Initializing modules
Have a nice day or night (not sure where you live :-)), regards.
We are working with FOG since many years in our school and i want to say thanks for the work you do on that project it’s a really good tool for many persons :-).
I just build a new FOG server 1.5.9 on Debian 10.6, before our server was on Ubuntu… All installation is fine, we can deploy & capture images without any problems.
The last point is fog clients, it seems communication between clients and server is not that good. Cert is ok but got many “Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection” errors in quite all sections in the fog.log filefog.log .
So no tasks seems being accepted by clients, either rename, ad join or deploy.
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:10:01 Service Sleeping for 110 seconds
30/11/2020 13:11:51 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&configure&newService&json
30/11/2020 13:11:51 Middleware::Response Success
30/11/2020 13:11:52 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&mac=EC:B1:D7:55:FD:05&newService&json
30/11/2020 13:11:52 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Communication Download: http://fogserver/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Communication POST URL: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&authorize&newService
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response Failed to decrypt data on server
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response Success
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/service/getversion.php?clientver&newService&json
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver/fog/service/getversion.php?newService&json
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Service Creating user agent cache
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response Success
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:01 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client Version: 0.12.0
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.9
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: Unable to get subsection
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Middleware::Response ERROR: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
30/11/2020 13:12:02 Service Sleeping for 143 seconds
On the file i uploadfog.log this the “fogserver” for the server name is use by a msi client, but i have the same problem/messages on a other machine installed with the smart installer where i indicate the ip address instead of the “fogserver” for the server name.
Whatever a “nslookup fogserver” on clients is correctly resolve.
I also use “Reset encryption data” on the first one but it not help at all.
If you guys have some idead to help us, could be very fine :-).
@Quazz Thanks a lot, this command actually save my day/week :).
So update changed my exports file configuration and change the fog user but all is good now.
How i can pass this post on Solved ?
Have a good day all, regards.