@Tom-Elliott thanks for the quick response and resolution.
it is now deploying again. imaging part is surely critical
@Tom-Elliott thanks for the quick response and resolution.
it is now deploying again. imaging part is surely critical
@Tom-Elliott im going to test it and will get back to you with the result.
Hi @Tom-Elliott
here’s the image i was trying to deploy, I managed to deploy this same image when the server was running 1.3.0 RC-14
Nothing has changed at all.
Unable to deploy image, fog thinks the deployment went well and it took 4 seconds to complete. It didnt go through partclone page as it would normally.
Please help!
@Tom-Elliott there isnt a folder called “share”
@Tom-Elliott Hi Tom,
It listed different folder but none of them is .mono
@Tom-Elliott I did use elevated access as root.
As mentioned, the hidden folder .mono is simply not there.
@Wayne-Workman Hi Wayne
Sorry for late reply, yes I installed the latest mono as described in the guide.
Unable to install smartinstaller.exe to MacBook Pro running Sierra. I followed the guide using Mono.
Error message attached
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Method: PinFOGCert
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Access to the path "/usr/share/.mono" is denied.
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Unable to install FOG CA cert
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Access to the path "/usr/share/.mono" is denied.
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Method: PinFOGCert
20/10/2016 1:42 PM Installer ERROR: Access to the path "/usr/share/.mono" is denied.
20/10/2016 1:51 PM Installer ERROR: Unable to install FOG CA cert
20/10/2016 1:51 PM Installer ERROR: Access to the path "/usr/share/.mono" is denied.
20/10/2016 1:51 PM Installer ERROR: Method: PinFOGCert
20/10/2016 1:51 PM Installer ERROR: Access to the path "/usr/share/.mono" is denied.
Any ideas? I checked /usr/share/.mono but there is no folder called .mono
@Wayne-Workman absolutely weird.
I used the same technique with snap in pack on different folder and it worked without issue in the past. Only this time around with system32 folder.
I even tried with xcopy!
Anyway, thanks for your help, appreciate it and I will check further to see if AV is a culprit here.
@Wayne-Workman Hi Wayne
i did the additional command to enable log file.
It created the log file but it’s blank, im not sure why!
Here’s the fog.log
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.5
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Client-Info Server Version: 1.3.0-RC-8
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Middleware::Response Success
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Snapin Found:
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient ID: 157
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Name: ILC-Student-ChromePolicy-UpdatePS
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Created: 2016-09-26 11:46:12
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Action:
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Pack: True
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Hide: False
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Server: REDACTED
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient TimeOut: 0
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient SnapinPack File: powershell.exe
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient SnapinPack Args: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "[FOG_SNAPIN_PATH]\chromepolicyupdate.ps1"
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient File: ilcstudentchromepolicyPS.zip
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Middleware::Communication Download: http://REDACTED
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient F:\fog\tmp\ilcstudentchromepolicyPS.zip
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Processing SnapinPack ilcstudentchromepolicyPS.zip
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Extracting SnapinPack
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Processing SnapinPack settings
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient New SnapinPack File: powershell.exe
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient New SnapinPack Args: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "F:\fog\tmp\ILC-Student-ChromePolicy-UpdatePS\chromepolicyupdate.ps1"
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Notification",
"data": "{\r\n \"title\": \"Installing ILC-Student-ChromePolicy-UpdatePS\",\r\n \"message\": \"Please do not shutdown until this is completed\"\r\n}"
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Starting snapin...
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Snapin finished
26/09/2016 11:47 AM SnapinClient Return Code: 0
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Notification",
"data": "{\r\n \"title\": \"ILC-Student-ChromePolicy-UpdatePS Installed\",\r\n \"message\": \"Installation has finished and is now ready for use\"\r\n}"
26/09/2016 11:47 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification
But still no good. im puzzled!
@Joe-Schmitt Hi Joe
It is not the only file, it has a GPO folder in it. Otherwise it will be nice and easy
@Wayne-Workman Hi Wayne
I had the fog client installed on a separate partition with drive letter F:/ this is also the same with the rest 20 machines. So the path on the zip file is correct. I have deployed a single config file for another program and they worked brilliantly.
Thats why it is F:\fog\tmp\XXXXX instead of the program default c:\programfiles (x86)
I will try again with the addition of log file recording and will post back the result.
@Wayne-Workman Hi Wayne
Sorry for not explicitly mentioning a snapin pack (i did mention in on my first post, should’ve done the same with the post title). my apology
Here’s the whole zip - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8LqOYqjfRvrNThaUW0tZG9pZzg
Appreciate for helping out
Here’s the powershell file - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8LqOYqjfRvrb3pvU2phUjBwS1k
@Wayne-Workman Hi Wayne
I tried to export the log file with this command
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "[FOG_SNAPIN_PATH]\chromepolicy.ps1" >> c:\temp\log.txt chromepolicyPS.zip
It doesnt even create a log file, Snapin downloaded and vanished in an instant.
I noticed the GroupPolicyUsers folder is hidden and read only (not sure if that makes any difference)
When I execute the powershell script locally and manually on the destination computer, it worked without any issue.
Hi All
I am trying to manage Google Chrome ADM gpo via Powershell via Snapin pack to 20+ standalone computers. I tried copying the file manually and it worked (meaning it updated the Google Chrome ADM with latest policy after restart)
I have trouble coping the files from F:\fog\tmp\GroupPolicyUsers\ to C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicyUsers\
Here’s my powershell script
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Copy-Item -Path F:\fog\tmp\ILC-Student-ChromePolicy-UpdatePS\GroupPolicyUsers\S-1-5-21-2027881915-267544310-2063179327-1017 C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicyUsers -Recurse -Force
I added Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 to ensure the files have fully transferred before fogclient auto clean it.
Then tells it to copy the folders to C:\windows\system32\GroupPolicyUsers
Fog server successfully deploy the snapin and I can see the folder created in tmp folder, but It doesnt work!
However, if I changed the script destination outside system32, lets say C:\temp. It worked!
Is it permission issue? I believe fog client should have the right permission to do it right?
Hope that make sense.
i had the usb dongle connected via USB 3.0 port replicator and this replicator connected to the only USB port in Surface pro 4.