So I know you can go into the advanced tasks from the webserver and do a hardware inventory update when the machine boots. This works well, however, we replace computers every 3 years at my place of employment. When a PC is replaced, we always name it the same as the old computer. My question is, is there a way for the hardware inventory to update based on name and not MAC address? Tracking the serial numbers are very important to us, which is why we are looking into this feature more. It would be nicer for us to do things this way instead of deleting out the old computer and re-registering, or manually updating a MAC address.
Posts made by Kevin
Hardware Inventory Update based on PC Name?
RE: TFTPboot restart problems
Markverg, have you tested this anymore? Is Kernel (1037) still working well for your 780’s and having them restart?
RE: Modifying Image IDs
For the life of me I can’t get this to work, always get some sort of error regardless of what I research online.
RE: Computer Host name
What you will need to do is have your sys prepped image automatically generate a name. Then with the FOG client installed within the image, and the hostname changer turned on within the client, the PC will rename itself. So basically, the computer will image and go into Windows XP after being deployed, it should then restart itself to rename and/or join the domain depending on how you have it setup on the webserver.
RE: PLEASE let us see the old forums!
Per Blackout:
"Because google sent everyone to the old forum, many threads were being created there and going unanswered.
If it was as easy as ‘change it to read only’, we would have done that already.
Solution: Use Google’s cache."
RE: Is it possible to change the initial DHCP selections after FOG setup?
Yes, you can edit the dhcpd.conf file located in /etc/dhcp3
RE: Add Normal Wipe to PXE Boot Menu
DBAN, or Darik’s Boot And Nuke is a 7MB iso file that you can boot a computer from and its only purpose is to wipe drives on computers. It supports many different methods of wiping data, (1 pass zeros, DOD short, DOD Long etc). This is a very useful tool to have to wipe drives and very simple to integrate into the FOG PXE menu.
RE: Deployment Mistake??
Sorry, was having trouble with my PC earlier. I would try this on a different laptop that you haven’t done anything with. So on a third laptop, it should bring you to a naming screen. I would try to log in Audit mode on this one. However, if you do continue to have trouble, I would run through the guide here, [url][/url], this is a very in-depth guide to deploy a Windows 7 image to computers.
RE: Deployment Mistake??
Audit mode is accessed from Windows at the naming screen. Once you hit the key combination the computer will restart and automatically log in as the administrator so you could configure the computer as you wanted. With your FOG server up, you would need to go to (yourFOGserver)\fog\client in your webbrowser, and download the FOGprep file. Install and run this on your computer, and then that should take care of your hard drive error.
How do you deploy Windows 7?
So i’ve seen a lot of different ways that people deploy Windows 7. Some sysprep, some don’t. Some use WAIK with almost every option, others use a bare minimum config. I’m going to make this thread so everyone can share how they deploy Windows 7 to their workstations.
RE: Deployment Mistake??
You need to clear out a registry key first to “erase” the hard drive identifier. I would try to boot the system into audit mode (assuming you haven’t named the laptop. When it boots and is at the naming screen hold ctrl+shift+F3.) and it should be as simple as running FOGprep.exe on the computer at that point. FOGprep.exe is what removes that key.
RE: Add Normal Wipe to PXE Boot Menu
Have you looked into loading DBAN and put that on the PXE menu? That’s what we currently do and have that setup with a password.
RE: Ubuntu Server upgrade breaks FOG (or I did)
From what i’ve read, the PXE-T02 error means that the TFTP server doesn’t have rights to write to the requested file. Have you tried to chmod the tftpboot folder?
RE: Ubuntu Server upgrade breaks FOG (or I did)
According to, [url][/url], you need to re-install FOG. Though i’m not sure if that’s 100% true.
“UPGRADE NOTE: If Upgrading Ubuntu from 9 to 10, you will need to re-install fog. Ubuntu 10 changed around some stuff in the init folders. I am not a linux geek so I cant explain it. But for further information see paul2019’s comments below.”
I’m assuming 8 to 10 would be the same scenario.
Modifying Image IDs
I know there used to be a tutorial, i’m assuming on the old forums, where they had directions how to modify Image ID’s. I remember having to go in with a MySQL command, loading a table and selecting the Image ID where you could then run a command to change the numbers around etc. As we retire old images it would be nice to all the images be in order so you don’t have to remember active images like 1, 3, 6, 7 etc when registering hosts. Does anyone have this, or could write up another quick tutorial on this?
RE: Export hosts from Active Directory to FOG database
From what i’ve heard before, this is not possible. AD doesn’t keep the records necessary to import them into the database. Really, all you need is a MAC address and the hostname, (but AD doesn’t store the MAC info). We used SCCM to generate a report with all the hostnames and mac address on our network. Though you might be able to find some software that can pull a report of everything on the network.
RE: Udp-Sender: half-duplex?
So another question I have, for unicast, or imaging 1 device, is that set to half-duplex or is it set to full-duplex?
RE: Udp-Sender: half-duplex?
is it really as simple as changing --half-duplex to --full-duplex?
RE: FOG 0.33 - What's coming?
the 3.2.4 kernel should support the EXT4 filesystem. All the other changes for version .33 of FOG are listed in the first post of this thread.
RE: FOG 0.33 - What's coming?
3.2.4 can be downloaded from here, [url][/url]
Then you need to backup bzImage in /tftpboot/fog/kernel. so I renamed mine bzImage.backup (If this doesn’t work, either log into the computer under the FOG account, or chmod the folder)
When you copy the 3.2.4 kernel to this location rename it to bzImage (note that the case is important) and you should be all set.