Precisely yes because of tablets and Surface Pro for example…
I appreciate everyones help on the matter, anyone has answer to my other requests or could confirm the behavior of the groups snappins?
Precisely yes because of tablets and Surface Pro for example…
I appreciate everyones help on the matter, anyone has answer to my other requests or could confirm the behavior of the groups snappins?
Now I just come to realize something, when I look at a group and I added snappins for that group, It is written: Add Snapin to all hosts in:Groupname
I can also delete all snappins from the group. Now does this mean that if I added snappins at some point it will be pushed to all pc’s member of that group?
I am asking since I use the Groups as OU’s and those OU’s contains both desktops and laptops, I have apps I manually choose when inventoring and imaging a pc with snappins depending on wether those are desktops or laptops, typically laptops have 3 more snappins installed. Now does this mean that the desktops within that group will also receive those applications installed?
If the answer to this is yes then I guess I should separate my groups in 2…
If the answer is no then maybe there should be another way to word it…
Another thing is I see now that all 5 snappins I created are listed randomly during Full inventory as this : 5,4,1,3,2
Any way to have those in ascending order? The groups do not have this issue.
The OU’s are actually departments, so we add them to those OU’s.
If you find your way is stable let me know, I’m always in for some tweaks!
I am using Groups as OU’s and snappins for apps I want to install.
We have 3 applications that we only install on laptops and the way this was originally done through MDT was a Task sequence variable set to IsLaptop = True
Anyone knows if this is also a possibility with Fog, I wouldn’t want to segment my groups more as those are mostly used for OU’s…
But still I’m listening, what are your suggestions?
@george1421 said:
Do you have a unique key that you can use to calculate the proper OU for your target machines?
No it’s not that complicated, I just have a bunch of OU’s and put pc’s in through the groups instead of manually.
Like I said my main concern is that I am pretty sure this could be a turn off for a few people NOT to move from MDT to deploy images.
I am not critisizing at all, I love FOG and understand the effort put into this, just that sometimes a dev point of view vs a user point of view might not coincide with reality. One hand it’s coded this way by design but on the other hand feats like those could be what makes someone driven away from a product.
I’m no coder, I wish I was sometimes to understand better the dev reality and also could contribute in some ways.
Ideally I guess I should have some setup complete command that would have the user input the OU to put it in and would also add whatever information to AD computer’s description line, like it is setup now with MDT. I am pretty sure I will just create a few dummies to have at least 1 pc in every group so that there a no surprises when one finally add pc’s to an empty group.
Has there been a request to populate additionnal fields in AD? Like the 2 tags we’re asked for when inventoring, any plan to have that info pass around in a set place in AD? Might as well use that info. Is there a place to create requests?
Ok, is there maybe another way you guys think for me to achieve OU AD joining?
See I’m trying to replace an MDT server which has a script to choose an OU to add a computer to at the beginning of the process, people here are used to do this so I was thinking if I put Groups with different OU’s in each one, I could then have the same feature…
Additionaly, when FOG does the invetory it asks for the main user of the pc and 2 tags. Would it be possible to use that information?
i.e.; main user name could populate AD’s computer object description of one of those 2 tags? Ideally we could have a choice to fill the AD computer description filled with either the user name or the service tag…
I get it that if the group is empty the settings cannot reside anywhere in a database but it’s still funny to think they use default settings… If I create a group something should be stored there…
I am a bit scared that some people would see this as a way to reject FOG. See, we have about 20 OU’s for departments, I won’t be able to fill those up for a few months (most likely) unless I join a vm to it maybe just to have the settings applied because even though when it does the inventory and it asks me if I want the computer to join a group, assign software installations and join the domain, since the first part which is joining an OU isn’t working well the computername remains random and not joined to the domain, FOG service installation failed and additional software install not happening.
So I get it, but i’m pretty sure this is not waht you guys want users to experience… unless I really didn’t understand the meaning of the groups…
Is there maybe a possibility for me to create dummies, at least one in every group?
Maybe that should be done automatically? Like a stealth dummy…
What’s your stance on this?
Sorry for the late reply, was away for a while.
I am running trunk 6150, I created groups which will all have independent OU’s in AD so that when they join the domain will fall under the correct OU.
Problem is when the group does not contain a computer yet the settings don’t save for the AD part of the group.
When you add a computer in then it when you populate the AD fields it’ll keep it, but if the group becomes empty then the AD information also get wiped.
Would it be possible to also have the possibility to add other information in AD, like computer description or other?
Hi, I am requesting access to the wiki to add information as I am deploying fog on Debian.
All good here Tom, just got r6050 and it works!
I don’t want to hijack this thread but I believe I am having the same problem running trunk r6048.
Here’s a screenshot of the errors
Updated this morning to r6042 and the problem is back.
Whatever change I make in the boot menu entry, the default selected item gets unchecked!
I know this time the update schema did not run when accessing ip/fog/management and I know it ran last time, could this be related and if so is there a way to force it?
It seems since I am using trunk this is not applicable anymore using the newer client version.
Thanks again to Wayne Workman helped me out figuring this and updated the wiki with a note for the ones running version 1.3.0 of the server.
I will leave this post as resolved in case someone else in the future also looks for this info.
Re: Troubles with recompiling the hostname module
I am stuck on this now…
It would be quite interesting to update the wiki on the proper way of recompiling this hostname module as I have just lost about 3 hours of installing VS2015 and upon failure tried with a VS2010 pro… to end up having the same problems dicussed in the reference thread.
Now If I read this correctly I now believe I should only build the dll and upload it?
That part is done. But now I read some are also having issues and it`s not clear if it’s due to using stable instead of trunk…
I am using trunk, so what now? I just upload the dll? What about Fogcrypt?
Do I need the MOD_HostNameChanger.cs from here ??
Is the installer possible to compile or it`s just not worth it?
Thanks to shed some light on this!
Thanks jmeyer this works great!
Well it seems running version 6012 now is no more an issue!
Hi @jmeyer,
I have a question, I am trying this script now, the problem I have is your AfterDeploy.cmd you have set a start /wait SDI_auto.bat but since that closes after it successfully called the .exe the script goes on without having a chance to finish SDI install of drivers…
Are you sure this is how you have it?
I am also getting a prompt for firewall access to let SDI through on launch of the .exe, have you had that happen?
I am also running those script from \fogserver\share…
I see you had a previous version that called the .exe directly which from my understanding would have actually /wait succesfully until completion, or did you alter the SDI_auto.bat somehow to have another /wait in there is at all possible?
I see that my service is FOGService and not FOG Service, had to change that…
Thanks! Love your script!
I realize this is a few months old thread, jmeyer did you ever get it to work?
I am presently trying pretty much the same.
Did you ever succeed?
It works! Both solutions works!
I’m now playing around with adding entry in the menu, having some that tries a command with the description or item name… weird but naming it differently seems to work for now.