Ummm … I can not say about the performance, I follow with my mysql performance problems XD both in one version and in another. I can say that the configuration in 5.5 version is different than 10.3, I have to retuning the my.cfg file.
Posts made by Fernando Gietz
RE: Use an external database
RE: Use an external database
Hi @george1421,
I tried to do it and worked fine!! You can use an external database changing the both files: /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/config.class.php adn /opt/fog/.fogsettings.
snmysqluser='<MySQL_user>' snmysqlpass='<password_of_your_MySQL_user>' snmysqlhost='<ip_of_your_MySQL_Server>'
I don’t do any fresh install lastly, then I don’t know if the installer asks you about the location of your MySQL server or by default is always localhost. If the installer is not prepare to use an external database, I will suggest to implement this feature in future versions.
I want to take advantage of the occasion to say that the mariadb version, 5.5 is obsolete, I updated it to the last stable version the last month, MariaDB 10.3. Maybe will be interesant to update the installer to install this last version of MariaDB.
Under RedHat 7 the packages are MariaDB-client and MariaDB-server.
RE: Use an external database
Hi @george1421 ,
The configutarion file is .fogsettings in /opt/fog?
Use an external database
I am having performance trouble with my FOG server. The problem is the big resources that consumes my FOG database (I have 8000 client that load the database) and I am thinking the possibility to use an external database and not a local one.
I found a post about this: Database migration and database in external host. But doesn’t explain big thing.
How can I use an external database? Is possible?
RE: Performance Monitoring tools
Another tool to monitoting apache activity is apachetop. This tool gives you more info than modStatus
RE: Performance Monitoring tools
@Sebastian-Roth Yes, I used it sometimes but only to see the activity in one moment, you can’t see a history of the activity. I would like to see the activity of apache in the last 4 hours, for example.
RE: Performance Monitoring tools
We use Nagios to monitoring the server status but not use any plugin to see the activity of MySQL or Apache. Do you use any plugin to monitoring these services?
Performance Monitoring tools
Hi FOGers,
I am searching performance monitoring tools for apache and MYSQL. I know that for small scenarios these tools, maybe, are not necessary but for big and very big scenarios these tools are necessary to audit the performance of the server, specically the apache server and MySQL server.
Now for tunning the MySQL server we use the mysqltuner tool <> and for monitoring the MySQL server MySQL workbench tool <>
I am trying to search the same for apache, do you know any monitoring tool for apache?
RE: I want to know ... UserTracking query
Hi @Tom-Elliott again,
We found who does the query XD accidentaly. If you access to the host edit page, the query is made. For example:
Then, every time a technician accesses the page of a host, my server is freezed XD. The problem is the hostLoginHistory() function which is called by edit() function in line 3257 from hostmanagementpage.class.php.
RE: I want to know ... UserTracking query
Anyway, I think there must be someone else doing the query.
RE: I want to know ... UserTracking query
@Tom-Elliott I try the select with the WHERE hosts.hostID=‘<SOMEHOSTIDHERE>’ clausure and goes better XD from 50 seconds downs to 0.044 seconds. If is possible, please, implement this little improvement.
RE: I want to know ... UserTracking query
Hi @Tom-Elliott,
Yes, I think the same but is very strange, because is very frequent. For example, today 20 times??
I want to know ... UserTracking query
Hi fogers,
I am having problems with the performance of the database and my FOG server. The environment is:
Server OS: RHEL 7
Resources: 8 vCores and 16 GB RAM
Client number: > 8200 PC
FOGversion: 1.5.5I am experiencing a mistical situation with the database. I know that the necessary resources for the version 1.X are huge for very big scenarios because the FOG client asks every X seconds to the server. This does that the server needs a lot of resources to MariaDB and Apache. Actually the server supports 700-800 select queries per second and MariaDB needs circa 3 vCores to do his job. All goes well until “someone” does a query.
# Time: 190220 16:42:57 # User@Host: # Thread_id: 3812272 Schema: fog QC_hit: No # Query_time: 57.802350 Lock_time: 0.448168 Rows_sent: 573616 Rows_examined: 1790716 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 791750865 SET timestamp=1550677377; SELECT * FROM `userTracking` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hosts` ON `hosts`.`hostID`=`userTracking`.`utHostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostMAC` ON `hostMAC`.`hmHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`imageID`=`hosts`.`hostImage` LEFT OUTER JOIN `os` ON `os`.`osID`=`images`.`imageOSID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `imagePartitionTypes` ON `imagePartitionTypes`.`imagePartitionTypeID`=`images`.`imagePartitionTypeID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `imageTypes` ON `imageTypes`.`imageTypeID`=`images`.`imageTypeID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostScreenSettings` ON `hostScreenSettings`.`hssHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostAutoLogOut` ON `hostAutoLogOut`.`haloHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `inventory` ON `inventory`.`iHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` WHERE `hostMAC`.`hmPrimary` = '1' ORDER BY `userTracking`.`utID` ASC;
This query freezes the server literally. I know that one of the recomendations in the wiki to improve the performance is truncate the data of UserTracking table, but we want to this data to a possible auditory.
Then, the question is … who does this query?
RE: Host Image History bug?
You can see the code in this link:
RE: Host Image History bug?
Hi @m144 ,
I fixed this bug in working dev branch of git repository
RE: Access Control Plugin - LDAP Users
@ylber you can get the code from from working_dev branch in git repository.
RE: Access Control Plugin - LDAP Users
Hi @ylber the new version of Access Control Plugin supports LDAP users.
The plugin that Greg says was the solution to use LDAP users with AccessControl plugin, but this was before the Access Control version 1.5.5. This new version can filter the user by his type (990 or 991), you can setup it in FOG Configuration -> PLUGIN: LDAP
RE: Site Plugin
@ragnurenson , @fenix_team I have fixed the bugs in working branch. Works so fine that now I am using it XD
Site plugin version 1.5.5_1
RE: Access Control Plugin - LDAP Users
@ylber This plugin actually is not necessary, I made some changes in the LDAP plugin to solve the problem with LDAP users.
You can find the new version of LDAP Plugin (Version: 1.1) in the working branch of git.
The new version adds the possibility to filter by users, you can config the filter in FOG Configuration -> Plugin:LDAP. To see the LDAP users USER FILTER = 991 -
RE: Create users who can only use the function WOL
@Lenain I think that your only option is develop a new plugin to do this.