The LDAP ports are saved in the DB, globalSettings table. If you migrated the database is possible that the old ports were migrated too.
Posts made by Fernando Gietz
RE: LDAP Plugin
RE: LDAP Plugin
Umm … strange. The dropbox entries are dynamic, these values are config in the FOG Settings -> Plugin: LDAP -> ports
When you install the plugin, the install process does an insert query to setup the ports:
. " ('LDAP_PORTS','Insert the different ports comma separated.', '389,636','Plugin: LDAP')",
@astrugatch do you make a fresh install of FOG or an update?
RE: LDAP Plugin
Hi @astrugatch!
Which version of LDAP plugin are you using? You can see it in Plugins -> Installed Plugins. The last one is 1.5.5_1
If you have a previous versions, the error will appear. Is a typo error.
In the last version the error is fixed, in this version you can setup the ports (by default only appears 389 and 636) from FOG settings page. -
RE: Does FOG use LDAP?
FOG can use a LDAP validation installing a plugin to do it. But is an optional installation.
To do it is necessary install the LDAP plugin in the FOG server, then config the plugin to connect to the LDAP server, in the configuration you must set the port of LDAP server (389 or 636), the username and the password to do the query.
But only the web UI uses a LDAP connection and only during the validation step, the FOG client in the computers not use any LDAP connection. -
Build a new ipxe.efi file
Hi FOGers,
I want to implement a new ipxe.efi file but I don´t know how. With undionly.kpxe file no problems following the instructions that are in the wiki [], but to buid the ipxe.efi file I don´t find anything.
RE: LDAP 1.6 plugin password
sorry for my late answer. I can confirm that Tom said.
The password is saved encrypted in the database, and you can´not see it in plain text anywhere. If you access to web form, either FOG Settings-AD Settings or host->AD Settings, you see the encripted password. Only is decripted in the clients. -
RE: snapins not deploying from storage nodes: Version
Hi @Sebastian-Roth ,
I don´t know. I don´t use Location Plugin and I don´t have expirence with it but I can try to help
@Greg-Plamondon In previous versions of FOG, the behaviour was the same?
I have been offline several months XD
RE: Access Control Plugin
Access Control Plugin doesn´t control the tabs that are in the host page. This plugin only control the entries in the general top menu (hosts, images, snapin, report, tasks, plugins, …) and the Main Menu entries (list All hosts, Create New XXX, Exports, …)
RE: Capturar imagen en un segundo disco que he montado
Los directorios que cuelgan de /images2 pueden tener todos los permisos habilitados pero si /images2 no los tiene, no puede acceder
drwxrwxrwx 284 fog root 16384 oct 11 14:11 images
RE: Capturar imagen en un segundo disco que he montado
Hola @oliver!
Es mejor que te expreses en inglés ya que la mayoría de los usuarios de la comunidad de FOG project no sabe hablar español o tiene conocimientos muy pequeños de él.
Hay dos usuarios fog, uno usuario del sistema linux y otro que es el administrador de la consolo web. son usuarios diferentes con claves diferentes. El usuario fog de linux, llamado fogproject en versiones superiores a la 1.5.5, se encarga de mover y copiar los ficheros de /images usando FTP. La contraseña que aparece en /opt/fog/.fogsettings no está encriptada, parece pero no, es un churro bien largo creado aleatoriamente. Tienes que comprobar que el usuario fog en esa maquina accede con esa contraseña.
Comprueba que /images2, el directorio, tiene permisos 777 para que el usuario fog de linux pueda acceder a él.
RE: [Sites plugin - Import] fog 1.5.7 site. Version 1.5.5_2
This is a work around, for a long term solution …ummm we must to think if this solution is for 1.5.X versions or get a final solution for 1.6.X and how can we do it XD
Maybe the solution is create on fly the CSV file to export and import the data (I am thinking loud)
RE: [Sites plugin - Import] fog 1.5.7 site. Version 1.5.5_2
Sorry, I am very busy in the work and I dont test anything. But I was thinking about this problem
I think that the problem is the template that we use to import an d export the data. Normally we use the default template and this one don´t have any information about the site. Then when the HOST_IMPORT event is launched, it tries to read some information that is not in the CSV file, and crashes.
As a quick solution, comment the hostImport and hostExport function (I think that is you try to export hosts, the code will crash too) and in the construct function:
// ->register( // 'HOST_IMPORT', // array( // $this, // 'hostImport' // ) // ) // ->register( // 'DESTROY_HOST', // array( // $this, // 'hostDestroy' // ) // )
RE: Access Control Plugin
Hi @kAs1m ,
I know what is happen here. The problem is the array of element of the top menu.I will try to explain how works the plugin: the elements of the top menu are saved in one array, the AccessControl plugin erases the elements of the menu but, frecuently, the AccessControl can not erase the element because the order in the array have been changed. This occurs, normaly, when you try to apply some rules at time.
In conclusion, the plugin doesn´t work as fine as we want. As solution try to add rules one by one and see the result, for example I have a configuration as yours usong these rules:
- MAIN_MENU-about about main
- MAIN_MENU-plugin plugin main
- MAIN_MENU-service service main
- MAIN_MENU-site site main
- MAIN_MENU-storage storage main
- MAIN_MENU-user user main
In the future 1.6 version the pages will be loaded in other way that takes in account this problem.
RE: Access Control Plugin
@kAs1m Can you be more explicit? XD
Which is the problem? -
RE: [Sites plugin - Import] fog 1.5.7 site. Version 1.5.5_2
Can you send me the CSV file? Maybe when you have the site plugin enabled, the HOST_IMPORT event can not proccess well the file because this file doesn´t have all info
RE: [Sites plugin - Import] fog 1.5.7 site. Version 1.5.5_2
I will try to replicate the error.
Do you have install any plugin moore? AccessControl? -
RE: I want to know ... UserTracking query
I returned XD thanks for all @Sebastian-Roth
RE: Plugin Site & Imports Hosts
Hi @phil-dosi ,
Location or Site plugin? or both? Are differents XD
RE: Plugin Site & Imports Hosts
I will be out of the office the next two month XD, but I can try to take a look today and tomorrow.
@phil-dosi do use the AccessControl plugin too?