@Wayne-Workman said:
Did you re-upload, and then try?
With Resizable option was not work, but not resizable i have no problem.
@Wayne-Workman said:
Did you re-upload, and then try?
With Resizable option was not work, but not resizable i have no problem.
@Wayne-Workman said:
What happens when you try?
Errors Row #1: Invalid number of cells
For each host/row in .csv
@Tom-Elliott said:
What do you mean? It already does this.
I did Downgrade for multicast works. In fact, it worked, but I need to import the hosts file I used.
Have a way to import a host.csv from a newer version ?
i’m used fog 1.2.0
I want to import from 6323
@Tom-Elliott said:
are still generating independent multicast tasks for each host?
It does not create a multicast to each host. It creates multiple multicast sessions, each session will not always have only one computer.
After running the SQL Querys nothing change
@Tom-Elliott said:
change the OSID to Linux, and set it back to resizable? Does it work then?
Not work
php5-gettext is no longer in Ubuntu repository…
I can’t install fog because that
@Tom-Elliott said:
ing those commands?
Yes, im running
truncate table multicastSessions;
0 rows affected
truncate table multicastSessionsAssoc;
0 rows affected
delete from tasks where taskTypeID=8;
8 rows affected
For each test i try this
@Tom-Elliott said:
n the signature it says 6323, have you tried upgrading
The first time in 6323.
I’m upgrading today and now 6455
@Tom-Elliott Still creating a multiples multicast tasks
@Tom-Elliott said:
Somethign isn’t making any sense.
The group was created in a version 1.2.0 of FOG, it have 20 computers.
I went in group management > All groups
I clicked in multicast icon in the row of group that i want
I clicked “Create Multi-Cast task for GROUP_NAME”
@Tom-Elliott said:
xact steps please.
I associate a image in a group. After this, i clicked in All Groups and multicast button. So i confirmed the tasks creation and turn on the computers
@Tom-Elliott It seems he is not wait all the computers connect to start the Multicast
Is there any way to force only create one multicast session?
I sent a Lab to pass the image as multicast and some machines did multicast, others unicast and others some even began to spend image.
I created a group and was clicked to multicast.
FOG 6323
Ubuntu Server 14.04
Yes, after open all ports, it works
@Sebastian-Roth What do you mean by “Can you join that client by hand?”
From what I understood, you had asked if I had managed to put the machine in the domain manually
@Wayne-Workman Our network architeture consists in a DMZ (Where found fog and samba4). We have a Physical Firewall (paloalto) and a switch core layer 3. The firewall was blocking almost all ports from Samba4 to client which causes the error