Sorted out! Thank you so much for the availability…
I got to see this post but never tried this solution
Sorted out! Thank you so much for the availability…
I got to see this post but never tried this solution
The strangest thing about it all is that I can register the host using the target PC, it gives an ACPI warning but everything goes well.
When I upload the image, ACPI does not let it continue. Stays in a infinit loop.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your availability in solving this problem.
The PC that will be colonized is an HP compaq dc7800p it is a little old but it works well with win10 with 4Gb RAM and I have more than 100 machines of these. So the FOG server would be very useful.
Know someone who can help?
@george1421 said in ACPI BiOS Error:
were able to register this computer but fails on image capture then go into the host definiti
I wanted to say that I had no problem registering the host through the client.
When I give the order to upload the image, this problem appears.
I had already tried to change the Kernel parameters but gave another error.
Is there another solution to bypass ACPI?
The target PC do not upload the image. It is stays in a infinit loop with this Error. How can I jump this message?
I made a short video and I give you the link to see.
I accept a way to fix it or a way to ignore the error.
I update da the Kernel to the version 5.15.19 but da issue stays.
How do I ignore the error? The image does not upload because of the error message.
@michelbragaguimaraes Qual a versão mais recente do Kernel?
Não apontei. O problema pode ser a versão do Kernel?
I’m getting this error when uploading the image from a computer.
I’m using the latest version of Fog running Ubuntu 20.04.
Does anyone know what to do?