You can run uploads for multiple machines with no problem. They will start at the same time, if you only want one to run at a time then you will need to time the tasks accordingly.
Posts made by BPSTravis
RE: Scheduling Multiple Tasks
RE: Optiplex 390 WoL will not boot to PXE
There is likely a seperate option in the BIOS for “PXE Boot after WOL”. I’ve seen it on a few of my machines but not all of them have it. If the option doesn’t exist then you are going to have to change the boot order.
RE: Unable to register Hosts (SVN 2361)
That is happening because there is no task for the host. The error you encountered while starting the task prevents it from being made.
Try setting the password for the fog user on the unix system to what shows in the web ui for your FTP password.
RE: Fog not redirecting
That’s the default behavior of Apache 2. Someone must have manually redirected the web server to point to /fog on your last install.
I don’t remember how to do this off the top of my head but i’m sure a quick google search will get you going.
RE: Troubleshooting image download - no errors - but no deploying eather
You can, all you have to do is choose the correct settings for the hardware
RE: Two Issues (cannot move image / Missing operating System)
By some FOG stuff do you mean it actually shows the image being deployed or just pops up the partclone screen for 5 seconds then reboots?
RE: Unable to register Hosts (SVN 2361)
Under storage management did your image path change? Otherwise this really sounds like an FTP issue. You can try resetting the password for the user “fog” to the FTP password you have listed in the web UI.
RE: Troubleshooting image download - no errors - but no deploying eather
If i is due to the harddrive being smaller it will flash that error just before it “finishes” imaging. Can you try the deploy again and see if you can catch that error?
IF the harddrive on this system is smaller than the one you uploaded from then you need to use the image type “Single disk realizable” so that it can compress the image size.
RE: HP 500B MT will not PXE BOOT - File not found
Just for anyone who runs into this in the future you can use a clone zilla live usb stick to pxe boot the system to fog.
Takes a flash drive with 140mb of space and works really slick.
I had this issue with our 500B MT’s.
RE: Fog 1.0.1 image creation
Check your ftp info under storage management and ensure it’s got the correct password.
When you set up Ubuntu did you make the username of FOG? I know if you make a user named FOG it tends to mess up as the fog installer makes that user itself.
If you used fog as your username when you set up ubuntu then you need to use the password you set for that user under storage management.
RE: PXE Files
What issue are you troubleshooting? The latest undionly.kpxe in the SVN should run just fine.
RE: Not a partclone image
Are you sure the first deployment worked? Like you actually watched it deploy the image to that machine and complete?
When did you upload the image? Was it uploaded on an older version of FOG? IF it’s a partImage image instead of partClone you need to enable the legacy flag under fog settings and then change the drop down that shows up under the image.
RE: Host won't boot in PXE
[QUOTE]67 is set to pxelinux.0[/QUOTE]
Option 67 needs to be undionly.kpxe for any fog version past .32(AKA 1.0.1) If you installed Today, i’m assuming you installed 1.0.1.
RE: Snapins fail to deploy with 1.0.1
Did you set a MySQL password? If so you need to update that password in /var/www/fog/commons/config.php
RE: Quick Inventory Group
Since only these machines should be showing up as mac addresses(default quick inventory) can’t you just make a group and under membership add all machines with a mac address for a name to that group, then assign AD settings?
RE: Host won't boot in PXE
I only see up to line 12 in your error log.
What did you use for DHCP 66/67 settings?
Does the machine ever get an IP address when PXE booting? if not it’s a network issue long before FOG is involved.
RE: Afte 1.0.1 Update, No Printer managment, No Snap-In, No Domain Regristration...
The printer manager is fixed as of revision 1717.
Domain registration works, can you please try again after updating your FOG version to the latest revision and try again?
Snapins are also working.
-1 means there is likely an issue with the snapin you created(as far as how it works). Basically whatever you were trying to have it do resulted in an error code and a failure.
If it doesn’t work please post your error logs from apache and fog.log from the client that won’t join the domain.
RE: IPXE problem
Can you check your storage node settings? Is there a DefaultMember storage node listed?
Make sure the ip address and username/password are correct under the node settings.
RE: NoReg
You can use the quick image function, but in the FOG UI your quick image will need to be set to whatever image that machine needs.
Or like Junk said, you can install the capone plugin.