Great idea.
An OU explorer is on the to do list somewhere.
Great idea.
An OU explorer is on the to do list somewhere.
Please create bug report for the unintended sorting behavior.
Are you sure you don’t go to high school? Please rewrite your post into something i can read.
I know Chuck & Jian are looking at UEFI support. The biggest problem right now is pxelinux. We are looking at moving to iPXE (or gPXE, or whatever the latest incarnation is).
Groups were poorly implemented. It will change in the future.
You dont want to disable “interactive services detection service”. This is a new Windows 7 service that stops bad services from interacting with your desktop.
This is why you need to switch into it to see the popups (errors) from the FOG client.
It does look like either a windows issue, fog service code issue or printer driver issue.
The source code for the Printer Management is included with FOG. I would go through the source code, become familiar with the code, then add more debug information to the log output. You need to know exactly what the FOG service is doing.
Great feedback here guys!
FYI, the waits have been reduced in FOG SVN source code. But it has not been recompiled just yet.
[quote=“The Dealman, post: 5104, member: 53”]This for me is the biggest need right now. I have a lot! of workstations that have those drives in them that run windows xp but i need to get them updated to windows 7 before the end of this year. Granted this should have be done quite sometime ago but now it’s on me to get it done with FOG being my tool of choice it’s been pain point when someone need to re-image and whoops advanced format drive[/quote]
The current version of FOG works with Windows 7 & advanced format drives as intended.
[quote=“timcough, post: 4841, member: 40”]Greetings!
First things first, my many thanks for all the awesomeness you have pumped into FOG! It is leaps and bounds above Symantec’s Ghost Solution Suite!
My second question is: with all the changes to the code base, will there be an upgrade path from .32? Just trying to plan ahead for either a migration or a clean install.
I will not ask about when .33 will be out. I think we all know (or we should all know) about how real work trumps project work.[/quote]
Great question.
There will be an upgrade path for all versions of FOG. Ive slowly been working on the schemaupdater so you can run it from any version and it will upgrade you to the latest.
This being said, 0.33’s database structure is incompatible with 0.32. This means once you upgrade to 0.33, your data will be forever changed and will not be able to go back to 0.32.
[quote=“astrouga, post: 4848, member: 907”]I’ll second the offer for equipment donation. Of course the approval process here has certain requirements, but if it is something that you might be interested in, let us know. I’d be happy to see if we can get a spare machine to you.[/quote]
Thank you everyone for the offer of equipment. But, I’d rather pay my own way
Last week i got all my penny’s together and upgraded. I got a nice baby Xeon E3-1230-V2, which should do the job nicely.
Chuck and Jian have been hard at work fixing the NTFS Resize issues for me.
The latest init.gz can be found in SVN or here: [url][/url]
Jian reported
[quote]Test case scenarios we use - all works.
Windows 7 1 partition(os) resize
80gb HD - full size partition, 7gb ntfs volume -> 3TB HD - 2TB partition, 2TB ntfs volume
Windows 7 2 partition(100mb recovery and 80gb OS) resize
80gb HD - full size partition, 7gb ntfs volume -> 3TB HD - 2TB partition, 2TB ntfs volume
Windows 7 3 partition(100mb recovery, 50gb OS and 30gb data) no resize
80gb HD - full size partition, 7gb ntfs volume -> 3TB HD - 2TB partition, 2TB ntfs volume[/quote]
If you guys could please test Windows Vista & Windows 7 resizable partitions with and without the boot partition.
Please report any errors, screenshots are very helpful, etc
The biggest problem is that partimage images will not work with partclone.
partimage has not been updated in years, where partclone is still under development.
[quote=“Walter Wahlstedt, post: 4453, member: 1441”]Any plans to integrate any of the patches posted in sourceforge?[/quote]
Any in particular?
[quote=“Badr, post: 4584, member: 1497”]Hi;
Just wanted to ask if there could be another update on the state of .33. Thanks![/quote]
Most of the core basic functions work (imaging etc) for all O/Ses with the exception of NTFS Re-sizable partitions.
With the latest updates (about a week ago, all in init.gz) these options work as intended, but there are still some bugs to work out with advanced format drives.
Right now I’m doing a lot of testing to get it all working - this eats up a lot of time waiting for Windows in VM on my slow ass workstation
Various GUIs need their POST save functions ported from the old code. i.e. FOG Configuration page
I’ve devoted today to FOG dev, we will see what happens
Code for 0.33 BETA
[code]// Within a FOG Class
$hostExists = $this->getClass(‘HostManager’)->exists(array(‘name’ => ‘chicken’)));
// Outside of a FOG Class
$hostExists = $GLOBALS[‘FOGCore’]->getClass(‘HostManager’)->exists(array(‘name’ => ‘chicken’)));[/code]
The client (including the snapin dll) has not been recompiled yet. This will be done when 0.33 is released.
[quote=“Hongyun, post: 3520, member: 1117”]I updated the kernel to 3.3.3, and my Ubuntu 12 computer has 3 primary partitions, two ext4, one swap, when I upload the image, it recognize the ext4 partitions as ext3fs, and then skip uploading, only 934 were bytes saved on the server, but it uploaded the swap partition just fine. why is that?[/quote]
Because the old version of the file system tools (in the boot image) do not support ext4. This has been fixed in 0.33.
Some may have noticed the little bit of down time we had.
The FOG forums and web site has been moved to a new web host!
Please let me know if you spot any issues.
Issues I’m aware of:
[]“Single Partition” (NTFS Resizable) needs love - most uploads work, some deploys do not
[]Multi Partition works - please tell if im wrong
[]FOG Configuration (previosuly known as ‘Other Information’) pages do not exist - they have not been created
[]Various “save” operations in Group Management and other areas do not save
I have lowered the initial snapin client wait from ~5.5minutes - 8.3minutes to 30seconds - 60seconds for the 0.33 release.
I cannot see any issue in lowering the initial wait time. The client simply performs 1 HTTP request.
Your browser does at least 20 - 30 of these every site / page.
[quote=“andyroo54, post: 3604, member: 267”]Is there anyway to force snapins to start? I still find freshly imaged machines will sit for a long time before fog starts to deploy snapins? I don’t know how often the client checks the server for updates? Or does the fog client wait for a certain time? Would be great if you could “force start” snapins to deploy, is this in 33?[/quote]
I have lowered the initial snapin client wait from ~5.5minutes - 8.3minutes to 30seconds - 60seconds.
This is in the latest revision. Though you will need to check it out from SVN, compile it and distribute (the snapin clients .dll file) to your machines.
Please see [url][/url] for more details on this.
Please keep FEATURE REQUESTS out of this thread as it is for BUG REPORTS.
I’ve just committed some code that will make upload tasks check-in.
[quote=“astrouga, post: 3578, member: 907”]A Windows 7 with one partition (didn’t have the 100 MB boot partition) did not work. The process completed, but the image upload process (blue screen that shows progress status) took less than 2 seconds. The image file on the server is about 500 KB. The client did reboot successfully though.[/quote]
Could you please verify that this wasnt a file system issue by running chkdsk a few times and trying the single partition upload. I havent changed any of the Windows 7 code, so there shouldnt be any issues if 2 partition works.
[quote=“astrouga, post: 3578, member: 907”]A minor bug to note: I noticed that the task status icon that shows up on the Task Management screen does not change during an image upload. It always shows “queued” even on multiple refreshes of the page. However, the status does change and appears to be correct for image downloads.[/quote]
I will change this so the status update. In previous versions, upload tasks never checked; they never done anything really. I think this was done so upload tasks didnt take up a slot, but i have other ways around that now. (i.e. excluding upload tasks from getActiveTasks())