@Wayne-Workman +1 to the mixed HDD modes. I about tore my hair out one week over some hosts being set to IDE and others AHCI.

Best posts made by AngryScientist
RE: Windows 7 errors post deployment
RE: My database connection appears to be invalid?
systemctl enable mysqld
Typo correction!
I will reboot my FOG server later today and give you the results of your suggestions. Right now I am reveling in the wonders of 5GBps imagine speed. 1.2.0 on my old hardware topped out at 1.2GBps
RE: Windows 7 After Image displays "Windows is loading files..." Endlessly
Bad sectors on the hard drive caused disc part to fail after 2.7gb of 63gb, so I imagine windows was literally waiting to load files that did not exist… solved! Different machine, Fog uploaded the image and deployed it flawlessly!