First of all, I want to thank everyone for the effort made in this Project, which is getting better and better with each update. You will achieve perfection with the help of both users and programmers
I am using FOG for almost 8 months and now i want to expand it to other locations.
Can someone explain me what is the actual meaning of a STORAGE GROUP and STORAGE NODE ?
In my understanding … an Group is like…an Town…and an Node is like a shop in that Town.So you could have 4 or 6 shops in 3 towns…i hope i understand the meaning and working of Storage Group and Storage Node corectly first of all.
The comapny that i work for has 1 HeadQuarter (New York for example) and 2 other locations in other Towns (one in LA and another in San Francisco).
The conection is done by VPN from each location (LA and SF) directly to NY HQ, HQ handels the DHCP and DNS and everything.
So i guess will have to set up FOG 1.5.7 like this :
I prefered to use CentOS 7 minimal instalation on everything…so :
Normal FOG instal in the HQ (NY) with Storage Group Default and Storage Node Default (lets name it like this because here is where all my images are stored)
Then i will have to instal Fog Storage Node in each location ( LA and SF ), provide the HQ STORAGENODE MYSQLPASS from the HQ and add them to in Fog Storage Node meniu.
Then create other 2 Storage Groups (beaside DEFAULT of course) named LA and SF and asign the Storage Node (LA and SF) to the desired Locations ( from the Location Plugin ) and asign the Storage Node to the Storage Group(lest short Storage Group an Storage Node to SN and SG) so, SN LA to SG LA and SN SF to SG SF.
The idea is that , when i deploy/capture an image , depending on the Location , the task wil be done from that location.
Other things i dont understand exactly are :
1 How to replicate images and snapins from HQ to the other 2 locations , groups , nodes…is it done automaticly or can i do it a force task. If i have to modify images from HQ , how do i make the changes on the other 2 locations , nodes (i’v tested one time in the same LAN with Normal instal and a Storage Node , but the loging stoped working after 2 days even if the replication box is checked on the Master FOG HQ ) ?
[root@fognode ~]# tail -f /var/log/fog/fogreplicator.log
[02-18-20 7:47:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 7:57:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:07:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:17:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:27:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:37:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:47:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 8:57:42 am] * | This is not the master node
[02-18-20 9:07:43 am] * * Image replication is globally disabled
[02-18-20 9:17:43 am] * * Image replication is globally disabled
2 Can i use just the Default Group and add only 2 Storage Nodes …and if i want to image one host from LA, that image will go from LA Fog Storage Node , not the HQ , because they are in the same Group ?
…i know im asking like a lot of questions , but i love the FOG , i just dont know , exactly , how it works … and i think there are others how search questions for dummies
And the las thing , excuse my misspells Me not actualy American me is from Romania