Cloning only installed files VS entire drive?
@Wayne-Workman currently capturing a new image. Once complete I will recapture a "debug"image from the same computer and upload. Thanks.
@TTellez All the steps matter - if you do half we have nothing to compare. Please follow all the steps when you do this.
@TTellez Just so we are clear on this, you created a new reference image, captured it and deployed it back to the same device and it became broken?
I assume you used single disk resizeable?
I wonder if you get the same results from single disk non-resizeable?
I’m going to spin up a new Win7 reference image to ensure 1.3.5 isn’t doing something strange with image deployment. This is really strange.
@george1421 Correct
I am currently capturing an image with single disk non resizable, and the first was resizable. So I will be able to compare “reactions”
@Wayne-Workman Debugging Clone(pre-deploy)
@Wayne-Workman POST deploy on new machine
@Wayne-Workman Ironically the debug deploy boots into the OS just fine. LOL
Non resizable must be the way to go.
@TTellez We need to see what’s wrong with resizable, please run the test again but as resizable.
@Wayne-Workman Wayne, I will be back in the office tomorrow, and can do so then.