Setting up Win10 DriverStore
Do I need to have each driver extracted from their installers down to their .inf file?
First let me say this is not a FOG issue but more of a windows issue.
With that said, lets first start with what manufacturer of computer are you using. If its Dell then your life will be easier.
I can say I have a universal win7 and win10 image that we deploy across our fleet of 15 different models. So it is possible.
The important thing about organizing them is that whatever model you pick, you stick with.
You might read through these two threads: might organize by model, OS, and Arch. And in any order. I don’t know if you’re using a Windows or Linux share, I’ll use Linux paths as an example.
So an example for a Dell Optiplex 7010 x64 Windows 10 machine might be:
Or a little, cheap, underpowered acer E11 netbook running win7:
Notice I didn’t use any upper-case in those paths. Really you can organize it however you want, just make sure it makes sense and make sure you stick with it. Don’t allow people to jack with the structure because it will cause confusion later.
And for the tags, likewin10
- don’t change them up. Once you pick a tag name, stick with it. -
Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit right now to scan my extracted driver installers. Seems like it’s organizing it all for me.