Single Disk - Resizable?
I have a new laptop with a 250gb SSD(or something close to that) running windows 7. I tried imaging the laptop and I accidentally left it on “Single Disk - Resizable”. Is this going to cause a problem for that machine, or after imaging does it expand the disk back to the full size?
Is there a benefit/drawback to using "Single Disk Resizable/Multiple Partition Image - Single Disk (Not Resizable)?
No it’s ok it was a good choice, if possible always select this option “Single Disk - Resizable”
Single Disk - Resizable is the best option if it works for your partition layout. Should work on all normal Windows installations since XP.
@Matthieu-Jacquart @Quazz On completion of pushing the image does it expand the disks, or is that left to me?
@sbenson No you don’t, disk expand automatically