Snapin Hash does not exist
@mp12 did the hash get updated for that snapin?
first I tried pushing the snapin without updating hash
when I update the hash (update snapin) it just switches to
Size of file is still zero.
@mp12 Updating the snapin will not update the hash. If you blank the hash again, then get the host to try running it, then check the hash was it updated?
What I mean will not update the hash is it sets it to the hash of a blank file.
hash is blanked. After deploying the snapin it is not updated.
I removed all my snapins.
Created a new one see below. The hash was set after I created the snapin. Tried to deploy but getting the same error.
Snapins also won’t replicate to the nodes.| 73 | gpupdate | | gpupdate_force.bat | | 2016-09-16 14:12:25 | fog | | cmd.exe | /c | | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6f84fb8dcae1e0a22915bb47f8a54140ab557893543f973fb1a265b84fd05d24e5c683243382fa2e57297d231e7ac229135df2d291842ff14eec43af0ca1f7cd | 52 |
@mp12 what’s the svn version showing?
Running Version 1.3.0-RC-10
SVN Revision: 5955 -
I am having the same issue after upgrading.
I am on 1.3.0-RC-10 5955 -
Strange thing on my end is the storage node is coming up with a totally different hash value:
@Greg-Plamondon Thanks for the TV session.
I found exactly what the issue is/was and it IS fixed for RC-11 for sure now.
@mp12 Just for sanity reasons you’re running the Location Plugin?
This issue was because of an oversite in logic check.
The Storage Node and Groups are defined by location plugin, but the hashing checks were performed only in the case the node and group were not pre-defined. Basically I forgot to close the if at the right spot.
Sorry, I’m trying for all I’m worth.
Yes we are running the Location Plugin.
Upgraded to 1.3.0-RC11 (Version 50)
The snapins work only from the master node.
Master node won’t replicate new created snapins to the slave nodes.[09-20-16 11:52:03 am] ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /::\-\:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/__/_\:\__\ \/__\:\ \/__/ \:\ \ /:/ / \:\ /\ \/__/ \:\__\ \:\ /:/ / \:\ \:\__\ \/__/ \:\/:/ / \:\/:/ / \::/ / \::/ / \/__/ \/__/ ########################################### # Free Computer Imaging Solution # # Credits: # # # # GNU GPL Version 3 # ########################################### [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] Interface Ready with IP Address: X.X.X.X [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] Interface Ready with IP Address: XXX [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Starting SnapinReplicator Service [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Checking for new items every 600 seconds [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Starting service loop [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Starting Snapin Replication. [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * We are group ID: #1 [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | We are group name: default [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * We have node ID: #1 [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | We are node name: fog [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Snapin Name: bios_upgrade [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | I am the only member [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Snapin Name: delete fog.log [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | I am the only member [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Snapin Name: gpupdate [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | I am the only member [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Snapin name: bios_upgrade [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Local File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Starting Sync Actions [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i bios_a24.exe' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first '/opt/fog/snapins' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' lftp: invalid option -- i Try `lftp --help' for more information [09-20-16 11:52:03 am] * Started sync for Snapin bios_upgrade [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Local File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i bios_a24.exe' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first ''\''/opt/fog/snapins'\''' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Started sync for Snapin bios_upgrade [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Snapin name: delete fog.log [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Local File size: 16 [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Starting Sync Actions [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i del_fog_log.bat' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first '/opt/fog/snapins' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' lftp: invalid option -- i Try `lftp --help' for more information [09-20-16 11:52:04 am] * Started sync for Snapin delete fog.log [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Local File size: 16 [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i del_fog_log.bat' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first ''\''/opt/fog/snapins'\''' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Started sync for Snapin delete fog.log [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Snapin name: gpupdate [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Local File size: 52 [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Starting Sync Actions [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i gpupdate_force.bat' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first '/opt/fog/snapins' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' lftp: invalid option -- i Try `lftp --help' for more information [09-20-16 11:52:05 am] * Started sync for Snapin gpupdate [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | Local File size: 52 [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | Remote File size: 0 [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | Files do not match [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] * Deleting remote file: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] | CMD: lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; '' mirror -c '-R -i gpupdate_force.bat' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first ''\''/opt/fog/snapins'\''' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] 'X.X.X.X' sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string [09-20-16 11:52:06 am] * Started sync for Snapin gpupdate
This post is deleted! -
Snapins are not replicated to the nodes.
I used the lftp command from the fogsnapinreport.log but removed some inverted comma and backslash in some parts. After adding password and IP-Address manually the files uploaded to the nodes.
original from fogsnapingreport.log:
lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; ' ' mirror -c '-R -i [FILENAME]' --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first ''\''/opt/fog/snapins'\''' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog',[Protected] '[IP_ADDR]'
modified ftp command:
lftp -e 'set ftp:list-options -a;set net:max-retries 10;set net:timeout 30; ' ' mirror -c -R -i [FILENAME] --ignore-time -vvv --exclude 'dev/' --exclude 'ssl/' --exclude 'CA/' --delete-first '/opt/fog/snapins' '/opt/fog/snapins'; exit' -u 'fog', [PASSWORD] '[IP_ADDR]'
The restarted FOGSnapinReplicator showed a new logfile where all snapins match:
___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /::\-\:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/__/_\:\__\ \/__\:\ \/__/ \:\ \ /:/ / \:\ /\ \/__/ \:\__\ \:\ /:/ / \:\ \:\__\ \/__/ \:\/:/ / \:\/:/ / \::/ / \::/ / \/__/ \/__/ ########################################### # Free Computer Imaging Solution # # Credits: # # # # GNU GPL Version 3 # ########################################### [09-20-16 5:06:11 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address: X.X.X.X [09-20-16 5:06:11 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address: XXX [09-20-16 5:06:11 pm] * Starting SnapinReplicator Service [09-20-16 5:06:11 pm] * Checking for new items every 600 seconds [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Starting service loop [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Starting Snapin Replication. [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * We are group ID: #1 [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | We are group name: default [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * We have node ID: #1 [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | We are node name: fog [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Snapin Name: bios_upgrade [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | I am the only member [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Snapin Name: delete fog.log [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | I am the only member [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Snapin Name: gpupdate [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | I am the only member [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Not syncing Snapin between group(s) [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Snapin Name: InstallBuildUp19 [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | I am the only member [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Snapin name: bios_upgrade [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Local File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Remote File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 5:06:12 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/bios_a24.exe [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Local File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Remote File size: 8542768 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Snapin name: delete fog.log [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Local File size: 16 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Remote File size: 16 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/del_fog_log.bat [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Local File size: 16 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Remote File size: 16 [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 5:06:13 pm] | Snapin name: gpupdate [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Local File size: 52 [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Remote File size: 52 [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/gpupdate_force.bat [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Local File size: 52 [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Remote File size: 52 [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] * Found Snapin to transfer to 3 node(s) [09-20-16 5:06:14 pm] | Snapin name: InstallBuildUp19 [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/BuildupLokal.64bit.msi [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/BuildupLokal.64bit.msi [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Local File size: 69743616 [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Remote File size: 69743616 [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Files match [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Local File: /opt/fog/snapins/BuildupLokal.64bit.msi [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Remote File: /opt/fog/snapins/BuildupLokal.64bit.msi [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Local File size: 69743616 [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Remote File size: 69743616 [09-20-16 5:06:15 pm] | Files match