not updating client from 0.11.4 to 0.11.5
I updated FOG from RC6 to RC7 but the client will not auto update from 0.11.4 to 0.11.5. Anywhere in FOG gui to give a hint on which client version is installed on FOG server?
@pmonstad How did you update? SVN or GIT?
Apparently svn missed the system.class.php update, while git hadn’t.
If you update now, it should work.
Hint’s won’t necessarily be on the FOG Server, rather the FOG Client may hold some clues.
Usually the logfile is found in c:\fog.log.
If I had to guess, you’re clients are seeing “Invalid Security Token”
No such error in log file. Says it communicates with the rc7 FOG server. Are there any info in FOG gui telling which client version is available on the server? Could be useful to have this info available…
@pmonstad What does the log show?
No there’s no GUI information that tells you the client version available, because this is handled by the Client communicating to the server.
@Tom-ElliotIs says: client version : 0.11.4 client os: windows. server version: 1.3.0-rc-7 Middleware::Response Module is disabled globally on the FOG server
The last line indicate some setting is turned off ? All checkboxes are one, and I have not changed anything tha last couple of months concerning this. It did update from 0.12 to 0.14 some days ago.
@pmonstad For this host, what’s in the hosts’ service settings? My guess Client Updater is turned off.
@Tom-Elliott Double checked: it is on. This client ran the update from 0.12 to 0.14 a couple of days ago. This is not an one-client problem. None of my clients have got 0.15 after installing rc7.
@pmonstad I don’t know what 0.12 0.14 or 0.15 are.
I’m just guessing you mean 0.11.2, 0.11.4, and 0.11.5. In either case, can you get a screenshot?
It certainly sounds like it is disabled. Further, it’s stating it’s disabled Globally. So the HOST itself doesn’t mean anything.
@Tom-Elliott The global setting is found under: Service Configuration->Client Updater.
@Tom-Elliott Both options are turned on.
anyone else having the same problem? Would be nice to know else i would wait with the update from RC6 to RC7
Can this be confirmed?Regards X23
@pmonstad I don’t understand then.
From what you’re telling me, there’s conflicting information somewhere.
Seeing as I just updated our working FOG server to 1.3.0-RC-7 AND my hosts with the 0.11.4 have already started updating to 0.11.5, the problem appears to be only with you.
Without actually seeing the logs and without actually seeing the settings, I can’t help.
Something sounds far off.
@x23piracy Working fine on my incredibly limited sample size.
@pmonstad Did a reinstall (svn) to make sure all client files are downloaded. Checked the global option is turned on, then moved all hosts to a new group and forced a client update setting to yes on all hosts. Still no update on my clients, and no errors in the fog log: client version : 0.11.4 client os: windows. server version: 1.3.0-rc-7 Middleware::Response Success
@pmonstad We need information to help figure out what’s going on. Can you please provide one of the systems’ fog.log files and a snapshot of the same hosts service settings and a snapshot of the “global” service settings?
@pmonstad Can you post the
from one of the problematic machines please? -
@Wayne-Workman Here is the log file:0_1470662623979_fog.log
@pmonstad The pictures you posted are for the legacy client I believe. Updating of the new fog client is controlled here:
Web Interface -> FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> FOG Client -> FOG_CLIENT_AUTOUPDATE
@Wayne-Workman Sorry forgot to put a screenshot of that one. Here it is, and setting is tuned on.