Trouble after adding storage to /images
@arduinoAndMore Can you please run:
sudo touch /images/dev/.mntcheck sudo chmod -R 777 /images
@Tom-Elliott …So apparently the .mntcheck file goes inside /images/dev and not just under /images? Was that really what I did wrong? facepalm
Is it just that .mntcheck should be under /images/dev or should it be in both /images/dev and /images?
It works now.
Thank you both so much for your valuable assistance! Keep up the good work!
@arduinoAndMore There should be two, under images and dev. This is covered in the Troubleshoot NFS article and probably several other places too.
@Wayne-Workman Ah. Thank you. In hindsight I probably could have saved some trouble by copying the dev folder out of the previous /images (now /oldImages) directory. I just copied the image I knew I needed to keep and then created a new dev directory. Just should’ve copied both