"PXE-T00: File name too long" on some machines
could you try renaming the file to undionly.0 ?
@Junkhacker Done. Same problem:
0_1463154351281_undionly.0.pcap -
@Wayne-Workman I already did - it is using the “latest” release (late 2011).
Here’s a more general question:
I’ve setup FOG for my computer repair business; we install Win/Mac/Linux on a daily basis on all sorts of different hardware scenarios; we were originally looking into MDT until I found this amazing FOSS solution, that so far works great!
However, In instances where I’m dealing with different hardware on a regular basis, what is the best “fallback” scenario? Is there an alternative PXE booting utility I could use in these cases? I’ve already tried PLOP but had the same issue.
you could try this http://ipxe.org/download
burn to cd or make a usb boot drive. this will load an ipxe network boot rom into memory and boot to it, instead of the network card’s onboard boot rom -
@Junkhacker Yeah, this totally worked! That’s really all I need; I doubt I’ll see another of these machines for some time.
Thanks so much you guys! Consider this thread solved. I really appreciate how quickly people here responded; I’ll try to help others in turn (at least, as much as I can!). -
Great to hear that you guys found a workaround to this. Thanks a lot for the pcap file anyway. It actually shows exactly what the error message is saying. I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t in the pcap! That machine is requesting not just
Looks like it’s padding the string withEOL
(end of line) symbols. I have no idea why that is. If PXE booting is working fine for you with all the other machines you are perfectly fine with booting this one via the iPXE cd image! Don’t bother about it. -
Simple solution to file name too long is Long Path Tool.
@piercerob Can you explain what you mean? From my point of view there is no simple tool that can help you fix this.
@sebastian-roth I worked around the issue using an iPXE boot ISO.