display setting issue
@issa1998 try to upload the photo again, looks like it got stuck at 25%.
Hi all,
sorry for the delay , i attached the screenshot of the bad display
@issa1998 I think your flash got the better of you there. It should say, from what I can tell, something along the lines “Exists” then show the name of the host it thinks it is.
@issa1998 I just noticed this is fog (FOS) version 0.32. I’m not surprised that its having an issue with the graphics. The screen is running in 80x25 character mode instead of the 132x(a number I can’t remember).
@issa1998 So the answer is to update to 1.2.0 - or fog trunk. 0.32 is really old. FOG is open source software so there is no reason to not update, so you should when you can.
ok thenks for the hint, but how can i migrate from 0.32 version to the newest without loosing my database , images and configuration? -
@issa1998 Just update. It will do all the “hard” work for you, of course, make a backup before you make the switch.
@issa1998 I would personally recommend that you start over clean. You can import your images but bringing the database that is that old up to current is not the easiest solution. I would start with a clean db, import your images and then reregister your hosts. If you had a couple of hundred hosts to reregister then maybe we can think about an import process. But you will burn more time migrating than just starting clean.
@george1421 hi,
i just finish the installation of fog server 1.20 but after i tried to do quick registration i found that the same resolution as in the screenshot that i uploaded still the same
@issa1998 Sounds like you did not do a clean new install of the server operating system. So possibly the mysql database has still the information from your old installation. Can you please check on the web interface if you have any hosts there already?? Possibly the host you are trying to register already exists!?!